Finland - Main

Delegates from Finland and A*STAR colleagues at GIS. (Fifth from left) Dr Päivi Sillanaukee, (centre) Prof Patrick Tan, (10th from left) HE Antti Vänskä.

9 February 2023 – Finland Health delegates consisting of government, public and private partners, visited the Genome Institute of òòò½Íø(GIS) on 9 February. Led by Dr Päivi Sillanaukee, Ambassador for Health and Wellbeing, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the delegation wished to get an overview of the òòò½Íødigital health ecosystem and key stakeholders, and learn how healthcare providers are applying the latest technologies and digital solutions. They also wanted to find out how health data is used for better care, research, and innovation purposes. His Excellency Antti Vänskä, Ambassador of Finland, Embassy of Finland in Singapore, accompanied the visitors.

Finland tour

Mr Justin Lee, CEO of NovogeneAIT, explaining the laboratory’s state-of-art Next Generation Sequencing capabilities to the Finland delegates.
Hosted by GIS Executive Director Prof Patrick Tan, the visitors had a fruitful meeting with representatives from GIS, Bioinformatics Institute, òòò½ÍøInstitute for Clinical Sciences, and òòò½ÍøInstitute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation.

They were also brought on a tour to the Next-Generation Sequencing laboratory.