Press Releases

A*STAR & Surbana Jurong to collaborate on built environment digital solutions

MOU Signing Surbana Jurong_Hand Shake   MOU Signing Surbana Jurong Exhibition

The òòò½Íø, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and urban and infrastructure consultancy Surbana Jurong have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to co-develop digital solutions for the planning, design and maintenance of smart cities, with a focus on commercialisation.

During the event, IHPC showcased Integrated Environmental Modeller (IEM) and Transport Modelling capabilities, presented by Koh Wee Shing (EP) and Muhamad Azfar (CS).   

Click here for the full press release. 

Also reported in:

The Business Times () Lianhe Zaobao ()