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A*STAR Quantum Innovation Centre Symposium on Quantum Science and Technology 2024

The very first A*STAR Quantum Innovation Centre Symposium on Quantum Science and Technology was held on the 28th - 29th August 2024 at the Matrix Auditorium. Led by our very own Dr. Wang Tong (Director and COO, Q.InC) and graced by Mr Frederick Chew (Chief Executive Officer, A*STAR), the symposium attracted over 250 registrants.

The symposium featured leading international & local experts, along with the latest updates from A*STAR quantum research on:

  • Advanced Quantum Computing Software & Algorithm
  • Novel Quantum Materials, Cryoelectronics and Packaging
  • Ultra-Precision Quantum Sensing Technologies
  • Critical Components of Photonic Quantum Computing
Professor Lam Ping Koy (A*STAR Chief Quantum Scientist, Q.InC) gave the opening address and the symposium followed with speeches from esteemed speakers including Professor Barry Sanders from the University of Calgary, Professor Dmitry Budker from the University of California, Associate Professor Alexander Ling from Centre for Quantum Technologies, and Associate Professor David Wilkowski from Centre for Quantum Technologies.

The symposium also featured poster sessions, showcasing the latest research and innovations from A*STAR and the local research ecosystem.

We extend our deepest appreciation to all speakers and exhibitors for their support and participation in the symposium, as well as the local organising committee and conference team for their efforts in ensuring the success of the symposium. The next Symposium on Quantum Science and Technology will be held in 2025, be on the lookout for an announcement for further details!