Launch of Sydney Brenner’s 10-on-10: The Chronicles of Evolution

President Halimah- Dr Sydney Brenner and Mr Lim Chuan Poh at the book launch of 10-on-10

President Halimah- Dr Sydney Brenner and Mr Lim Chuan Poh at the book launch of 10-on-10: The Chronicles of Evolution.

On Friday 9 November- Mdm Halimah Yacob- President of the Republic of Singapore- launched a book titled Sydney Brenner’s 10-on-10: The Chronicles of Evolution- together with Dr Sydney Brenner and A*STAR Chairman Mr Lim Chuan Poh.

The richly illustrated book was written by 24 renowned scientists and is a compilation of a series of lectures on evolution- that was the brainchild of Nobel Laureate and Senior Fellow at the òòò½Íø- Technology and Research (A*STAR)- Dr Sydney Brenner.

Dr Sydney Brenner is well known for his pioneering work on deciphering the human genetic code and programmed cell death. In Singapore- Dr Brenner played a formative role in the development of biomedical research- starting with his suggestion to set up the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) in 1983.

As part of A*STAR’s commitment to nurturing and grooming the next generation of scientists and researchers- A*STAR will be donating a copy of the book to every secondary school- junior college and polytechnic in Singapore.

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