A*STAR RIs carry out research in a range of disciplines in biomedical and physical science and engineering, with the aim of transforming òòò½Íøinto a Knowledge-based and Innovation-driven economy. A*STAR RIs participate in and organise outreach programmes for students, so as to enthuse students in science at a young age. Many programmes such as open houses, talks and research attachments are initiated by the RIs to educate on the applications and appreciation of biomedical and physical science and engineering in our daily lives.

Students who are interested to undergo a research attachment at an A*STAR RI can write directly to the RI via the contact email address listed on the  A*STAR Directory of Researchers. Please submit your Curriculum Vitae and latest examination results via , and indicate the preferred area of research and period of attachment in your request. The minimum period of attachment is two months.

To find out more about the outreach programme by A*STAR RIs, please visit the respective websites.

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