one-north Festival 2018
The one-north Festival is an annual celebration of Research- Innovation- Creativity and Enterprise. Jointly organised by A*STAR and JTC- and supported by Science Centre Singapore- this event encouraged the public to immerse in science and technology through fun interactive displays- inspiring talks- workshops and tours for the whole family.
This year's one-north Festival was officially launched by Dr Koh Poh Koon- Senior Minister of State- Ministry of Trade and Industry- on 7 September 2018. With the theme of "AI and I"- one-north Festival 2018 emphasised the rapid development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities- and how this would enhance the way one lives- works and plays. SMS Koh spoke about how one-north was a microcosm of Singapore's innovation-driven economy- and how the festival was an excellent opportunity for members of the public to learn more about exciting developments in science and technology. He also mentioned how efforts in R&and innovation were being supported by a passionate and talented Science- Technology- Engineering- and Mathematics (STEM) community at one-north.
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