Visit by Prof Ryoji Noyori, President of RIKEN Japan on A*STAR Chairman Lim Chuan Poh
Left Photo (L to R) : Mr Lim Chuan Poh- A*STAR Chairman and Prof Ryoji Noyori- President of RIKEN Japan
Prof and Mrs Noyori visited A*STAR and called on A*STAR Chairman Lim en-route to Malaysia- on September 19- 2011. It was Prof Noyori’s first visit to Fusionopolis. Chairman took the opportunity to update Prof Noyori on STEP2015 and future infrastructure development plans- and exchange views of several S&T policy issues. Both sides noted the good relationship established through the numerous joint symposium and seminars facilitated by the RIKEN òòò½ÍøRepresentative Office and were optimistic on the A*STAR-RIKEN Partnership going forward.
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