Overview of R&D Themes

Pioneering Industry 5.0
The òòò½ÍøManufacturing 2030 Vision envisions manufacturing becoming smarter, greener, and more connected. ARTC collaborates closely with public agencies, institutes of higher learning, and industry on four strategic R&D themes through enabling knowledge-based and data-driven manufacturing with human augmentation technologies to prepare and sustain a future ready workforce.

Next-Gen Manufacturing Processes
Advancing additive manufacturing and multi-material processing to improve product performance in extreme environments and sustainability. ARTC is developing technological capabilities in these areas:
- 4D additive manufacturing
- Adaptive machining and surface engineering
- Hybrid and multi-materials manufacturing
- MedTech manufacturing
- Extreme environment manufacturing

Autonomous Manufacturing
Enabling harmonious human–AI–machine collaboration for human-centric workforce augmentation. ARTC is developing technological capabilities in these areas:
- Smart and flexible robotics
- Hyper automation and interoperability
- Intelligent product verification
- Industrial digital twin and metaverse
- Cyberphysical production system
Autonomous Systems and Robotics
Intelligent Product Verification
Smart Virtual Systems

Net Zero Manufacturing
Tackling climate change through life cycle engineering for sustainable manufacturing.
ARTC is developing technological capabilities in these areas:
- Circular micro-factories
- Industrial Symbiosis
- Knowledge-infused remanufacturing
- ReMan X
- Decarbonise manufacturing processes
- Energy and resource-efficient manufacturing
Remanufacturing Process Technology
Smart Remanufacturing Systems
Sustainable Operations Management and Design

Resilient Value Chain
Enhancing visibility, flexibility, collaboration and control for strengthening resilience of value chains.
ARTC is developing technological capabilities in these areas:
- Collaborative supply management
- Continuous last-mile logistics
- Unified commerce
- Disruption-proof supply chains
- Resilient and localised supply chain development
A*STAR celebrates International Women's Day

From groundbreaking discoveries to cutting-edge research, our researchers are empowering the next generation of female science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) leaders.