State Court

State Court

A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) is developing a Speech Transcription System (STS) with the State Courts for the transcribing of oral evidence and delivery presented in the Courts.

Applying our speech recognition technology that provides automatic speech transcription of the English conversations, this STS allows real- time transcription of the oral evidence and delivery presented, without the use of court reporters or transcribers. Current system takes an external service provider about seven days to fully transcribe all the court proceedings digitally recorded.

With the STS, active participations of all parties can be encouraged with immediate access to the recorded evidence. Any clarifications needed can be sought immediately when the speaker is not audible or unclear and inconsistent. Its introduction thus assists all parties to conduct these criminal cases in a more effective and expeditious manner.

Read More below:

Press Release : State Courts and A*STAR’s Institute for Infocomm Research (I²R) Collaborate to Develop Real-time Speech Transcription System for Use in Court