A modern twist to ancient alloys

Machine learning and computational platforms are helping develop robust protocols for manufacturing an emerging class of strong, super lightweight alloys.

While humans have been making alloys for millennia, the traditional approach of adding a small amount of one element to a large quantity of another base element hasn’t altered significantly and can limit the diversity of alloys that can be formed.

The significant challenge lies in how to build a phase selection rule to delineate the single-phase region in the vast temperature-compositions space of HEAs. Randomly combining metallic elements in the periodic table into a furnace is unlikely to produce HEAs because the high-fidelity phase selection rules are not established yet for materials scientists.

In this study, Prof Zhang Yong-Wei, Deputy Executive Director (Research) and Dr Bai Kewu, Senior Scientist at A*STAR's Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) set out to break new ground in the field by developing a new ‘recipe’ for lightweight, high-strength, single-phase HEAs.

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