Strategic Focus Areas
With advances in science and technology, emerging industry applications require more complex and highly sensitive measurement techniques. NMC collaborates with industry partners through R&D projects and joint labs to develop solutions based on highly accurate and reliable measurement, for specific industry needs and applications.
Companies who will like to collaborate with us on R&D projects, please contact us at
Quantum Metrology

Quantum metrology is the science that aims to achieve precision measurements by taking advantage of quantum effects to enhance precision that is beyond classical approaches. Artifacts standards are progressively replacing by quantum standards that allow the definitions of relevant SI units to be realized directly from fundamental constants.
Research projects at NMC and collaborating research institutes are underway to develop or improve measurements based on quantum effects. Apart from realising the SI units of second based on atomic Cesium clock, and SI units of volt and ohm based on Josephson and quantum Hall effect respectively to disseminate traceability of measurements to the nation, NMC has started quantum metrology research projects to develop optical clock and time transfer that will enhance timing accuracy by hundredfold and graphene-based resistance standard to reproduce the highly accuracy quantized Hall resistance at relaxed experimental conditions.
Metrology in Digital Transformation
The International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) is taking the lead to transform the International System of Unit (SI) into the digital world and developing a Grand Vision for a SI digital framework. A world-wide agreed, uniform, unambiguous, authoritative and dependable data exchange framework based on the SI described in the current SI Brochure is under development, and possible actions towards making the SI Brochure machine readable is under planning.
This transformation is a major challenge to the sophisticated system of quality infrastructure, consisting of metrology, accreditation, conformity assessment, and market surveillance. The metrology community needs to ensure our services are suitable for the digital future.
NMC is conducting R&D in metrology tools for digital transformation and also digitalisation of our own metrology standards and services. The three main initiatives are:
1) Sensing quality assurance in IoT
2) Digitalisation of reference standards
3) Metrology for smart systems & AI
Besides, NMC is also looking into Digital Calibration Certificate (DCC), which is not just an electronic version of the paper calibration certificate. DCC is machine-readable and will facilitate autonomous information exchange form machine to machine, which enables automation in measurement correction, remote calibration, quality system audit and more.

Metrology in Sustainability

Measurement technology, infrastructure and standards are key enablers of research, design and manufacture of advanced electrification technologies. A comprehensive EV Roadmap under the òòò½ÍøGreen Plan 2030 will ramp up the efforts for EV adoption include accelerating the deployment of a nationwide EV charging infrastructure, building EV regulations and standards, and cultivating a robust EV ecosystem such as recycling of storage battery in Singapore.
NMC is expanding its calibration and measurement capabilities and related research to embrace the many new challenges for measurement arise from the electrification of transport. One of the projects NMC currently working on is a fast and accurate automated method to assess the condition of end-of-life EV batteries for second-life battery applications.
A*STAR celebrates International Women's Day

From groundbreaking discoveries to cutting-edge research, our researchers are empowering the next generation of female science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) leaders.