Establishment of the Chemical Metrology Programme

In Photo: Systems for the realisation of gas standards – gas fill station (left) and accurate gas weighing machine (right)
NMC’s Chemical Metrology Lab was set up in 2010 under Singapore’s Chemical Metrology Programme (CMP). CMP focuses on establishing gas standards traceable to the unit of mole defined under the International System of Units (the SI), and realisation and dissemination of the unit to support the industry in gas measurements for ambient and indoor air quality, emission control and mitigation, safety and industrial process control.
Since 2015, NMC broadened chemical measurement capabilities to include systems for characterisation of gas sensors to enable the development and deployment of low-cost gas sensors for environmental and emission sensing, and analysis of carbon isotopes for verification of renewal low-carbon fuels’ standards in energy transition. CMP is crucial in building critical national infrastructure and future measurement capabilities for sustainability, particularly on quality assurance of low-carbon fuels, and carbon reduction quantification.
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