International Metrology Collaborations
NMC has had a busy 2016, with many opportunities to network with our counterparts from various parts of the world, including those from the Asia Pacific region, to harmonise metrological standards, and collaborate on research for the advancement of measurement science and technologies.
APMP Mid-Year Meeting 2016 & Technical Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand
On 6 and 7 June 2016, NMC’s Mr Lee Shih Mean and Dr Wang Li participated in the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP) Technical Committee Chairs (TCC) meeting in Thailand, which was held in conjunction with the APMP mid-year meeting. Mr Lee and Dr Wang are the respective Chairs of the Technical Committee for Mass and Related Quantities (TCM) and Technical Committee for Thermometry (TCT) of the APMP. The meeting discussed regional cooperation matters such as joint projects, measurement quality system, and comparison of measurement standards. Dr Wang Li also gave a presentation on “NMC’s capability and achievement in supporting energy efficiency measurements & climate change” at the Mid-Year Technical Workshop.
at the APMP TCC Meeting (Photo source: APMP website)
Dr Thomas Liew, Executive Director of NMC, attended the APMP Executive Committee Meeting to review the progress of the APMP’s work plan. This included: the progress of Focus Groups metrology activities (in Energy Efficiency, Clean Water, Food Safety, Medical Metrology and Climate Change); CIPM MRA matters; and Developing Economy Committee activities in capacity building and collaborations. At the Mid-Year Technical Workshop, he also presented a talk on “Metrology challenges for quality control in the data storage industry”.

APMP Technical Committee for Amount of Substance (TCQM) Gas Workshop
At the APMP TCQM Gas Workshop held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from 26 to 28 July 2016, Dr Kai Fuu Ming, NMC’s scientist, presented on the “Research on metrology for low-cost sensors used for urban air quality measurements in Asia Pacific region”. The research is one of the initiatives funded by APMP, where NMC is leading a team of multi-disciplinary researchers from national metrology institutes from China, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Malaysia, ňňň˝Ířand South Africa to review regulations and standards in the Asia Pacific, Europe and US that are relevant to air quality, as well as low-cost gas sensors that are suitable for measuring air quality.
Held annually, the workshop is organised by the APMP TCQM Gas Analysis Working Group with the aim of enhancing international collaborations and sharing of information in gas metrology among APMP national metrology institutes.

NMI Directors Meeting & 105th Meeting of the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM) On 24 and 25 October 2016, Dr Thomas Liew, Executive Director of NMC, participated in the 18th meeting of the Directors of the national metrology institutes and member states representatives, and as a member of the CIPM, he also participated in the 105th meeting of the CIPM at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), Paris. The meetings addressed issues and activities relating to the international metrology framework; metrology strategies to deliver impact; metrological methodologies in the health sector; as well as collaborations among the national metrology institutes and other international bodies.

APMP General Assembly and Associated Meetings 2016
NMC participated in the APMP General Assembly and the associated meetings held from 11 to 19 November 2016 in Da Nang, Vietnam. Six staff members participated in the technical committee (TC) meetings in the areas of: temperature (TCT); electricity and magnetism (TCEM); time and frequency (TCTF); mass and related quantities (TCM); quality system (TCQS) and Focus Group on Climate Change.

Following the APMP events, Dr Thomas Liew participated in the Science Review of the National Measurement Institute of Australia (NMIA) from 20 to 25 November 2016. The review was part of NMIA’s forward-looking plan over the next decade, in which advice was sought from international metrology experts on the quality and appropriateness of NMIA’s metrology capabilities and services in addressing the industry needs of Australia.
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