Quantum based Electrical Primary Standards established

In Photo: Dr Chua Sze Wey working on Josephson array voltage standard
NMC participated in the United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Industrial Development Organization’s (UNDP/UNIDO) project “Harmonization of Voltage Metrology in ASEAN Member Countries” from 1992 to 1996. The project was part of the UNDP/UNIDO’s initiation to realise the importance of harmonised measurement for the benefit of free trade and for the industrial development of the ASEAN countries. NMC worked with UNDP/UNIDO experts to set up a Josephson Voltage Standard in as an “ASEAN Volt” to provide the traceability of dc voltage standards as well as organising workshops for the ASEAN members and provided the transfer of dc voltage standards to the participating economies.
Josephson Junction was amongst the first among a series of numerous primary standards to be established in NMC. The other primary standards established include quantized Hall resistance standard, planner AC-DC transfer standards, primary power standard, primary magnetic standard.
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