Testing, Inspection & Certification (TIC) Industry Roundtable
Setting up local calibration capabilities, sharing facilities, adopting technologies and identifying opportunities in emerging areas – these were some of the points discussed at the Industrial Roundtable with the Testing, Inspection & Certification (TIC) industry.
NMC organised an Industrial Roundtable with the TIC industry on 3 May 2017. The objective of the Roundtable was to identify gaps and the needs and challenges of the TIC industry, in particular for calibration and measurement (C&M) laboratories, and to identify opportunities which NMC and TIC industry can jointly explore. A total of 33 participants from 24 companies, which form about one third of C&M laboratories, participated in the Roundtable.
NMC and members of TIC group are following up on measurement solutions and collaborations that are relevant to the industry. Strategic partnership would also be formed to address capability gaps faced by the industry, especially in emerging technologies such as Industry IoT.
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