Analysis of Global Cancer Data Shines Light on Alternative Gene "Switches" in Tumours
Novel genomics and computational methods reveal how gene "switches" impact survival rates of cancer patients- paving the way to targeted cancer treatments
The image illustrates the human genome (blue)- and 3 alternative promoters (indicated by arrows) that activate and transcribe 3 different RNAs from the same gene.
(Copyright: A*STAR’s Genome Institute of Singapore. Illustration by sci-illustrate (Radhika Patnala)- featured on the cover of - DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.08.018)
SINGAPORE – Scientists from the òòò½Íø- Technology and Research (A*STAR)’s Genome Institute of òòò½Íø(GIS) have discovered that many human cancers exhibit widespread alterations in gene activation- where the same gene uses different start positions to generate alternate gene products. These alterations- previously undetected by earlier methods of analysis- may identify novel biomarkers for predicting cancer patient survival and new targets for therapies. The study was published in on 5 September 2019 and featured on the journal’s cover.
The human genome contains all our genes. The region which controls where a gene starts is called the promoter- or a ‘switch’ that turn on genes in the genome. Many genes have multiple promoters- and this can lead to different functions even from the same gene.
Prior to this study- cancer researchers lacked a comprehensive survey of alternative promoters in cancer genes- and whether different promoters leads to differences in clinical behaviour of cancer patients.
To fill the gap- the team designed a specialised software called proActiv todetect activated promoters on a genome-wide scale. The underlying algorithmin proActiv is applicable to RNA1-profiling data- which is routinely produced byhundreds of laboratories worldwide to study cancer. The team appliedproActiv to a large collection of publicly-available data from over 18-000cancer samples- and discovered that promoters in cancer genes arefrequently different from their cancer-free counterparts. They also uncoveredspecific activated promoters that are linked to the survival rate of cancer
patients- representing a new class of biomarkers.
Dr Jonathan Göke- Computational Biologist at the GIS and co-senior author ofthe study- explained- "We designed proActiv to work on RNA-profiling and itenables us to use the largest collection of data possible. At first that was very
challenging. It was akin to solving a puzzle with thousands of pieces- wheremany of the pieces are almost identical. However- proActiv zooms inspecifically on the unique puzzle pieces for each promoter- allowing detection
of different promoters with high accuracy. The amazing part is that throughthis simple idea- we suddenly could analyse terabytes of data that wasavailable to the public. The data was out there- but the information about
promoters was hidden. With the new method- we managed to uncover thishidden information".
Commenting on the study- Dr Andrew Futreal- Department Chair of GenomicMedicine at MD Anderson Cancer Center said- "The scale of this global studyis impressive. It reveals that the usage of alternate promoters is a commonfeature of many cancer types. These findings will inspire more research intowhat controls this switching- and how we can use this information to improveoutcomes for cancer patients."
Prof Patrick Tan- co-senior author- Executive Director of the GIS- and afaculty member of Duke-NUS and Cancer Science Institute òòò½Íø(CSI)-said- "RNA-profiling is very frequently used in medical research. By usingproActiv- scientists will be able to identify promoters without any additionalexperimental cost- which makes this very interesting to many research groupsworldwide and opens the possibilities to explore alternative promoters in otherdiseases." With the aim of advancing research in the wider scientificcommunity- the team has deposited proActiv into the public domain- where itis free to use for other academic researchers.
The findings highlight that a promoter is a biomarker for cancer- but this doesnot imply that promoters cause a more severe form of cancer. "We have yet todetermine if these promoters act like an emergency sign that is turned onbecause of a fire- or if these promoters are the fire itself-" added Dr Göke. Forthe GIS team in Singapore- the study is the first step towards many newpossibilities to explore these questions- and to better understand the role ofour genes in cancer.
Notes to Editor:
The research findings described in this media release can be found in the scientific journal Cell (DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.08.018)- under the title- "" by Deniz Demircioğlu1-2- Engin Cukuroglu1- Martin Kindermans1- Tannistha Nandi1- Claudia Calabrese3-4-20- Nuno A. Fonseca3-5-20- André Kahles6-7-8-9-10-20- Kjong-Van Lehmann6-8-9-10-20- Oliver Stegle3-4-11- Alvis Brazma3-21- Angela N. Brooks12-21- Gunnar Rätsch6-7-8-9-10-13-21- Patrick Tan14-15-16-17-18-19-22- Jonathan Göke1-18-22-23.
1. Computational and Systems Biology- Genome Institute of Singapore- òòò½Íø138672- òòò½Íø
2. School of Computing- National University of Singapore- òòò½Íø117417- òòò½Íø
3. European Molecular Biology Laboratory- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)- Wellcome Genome Campus- Hinxton- Cambridgeshire CB10 1SD- UK
4. Genome Biology Unit- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)- Heidelberg- 69117- Germany
5. CIBIO/InBIO - Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources- Universidade do Porto- Vairão 4485-601- Portugal
6. Department of Computer Science- ETH Zurich- Zurich- 8092 Switzerland
7. Department of Biology- ETH Zurich- Zurich 8093- Switzerland
8. Computational Biology Center- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center- New York- NY 10065- USA
9. SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics- Lausanne 1015- Switzerland
10. Biomedical Informatics Research- University Hospital Zurich- Zurich 8091- Switzerland
11. Division of Computational Genomics and Systems Genetics- German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)- Heidelberg 69120- Germany
12. Department of Biomolecular Engineering- University of California Santa Cruz- Santa Cruz- CA 95064- USA
13. Weill Cornell Medical College- New York- NY 10065- USA
14. Program in Cancer and Stem Cell Biology- Duke-NUS Medical School- òòò½Íø169857- Singapore
15. Cancer Science Institute of Singapore- National University of Singapore- òòò½Íø117599- Singapore
16. Cancer Therapeutics and Stratified Oncology- Genome Institute of Singapore- òòò½Íø138672- Singapore
17. SingHealth/Duke-NUS Institute of Precision Medicine- National Heart Centre Singapore- òòò½Íø169856- Singapore
18. Cellular and Molecular Research- National Cancer Centre- òòò½Íø169610- Singapore
19. òòò½ÍøGastric Cancer Consortium- òòò½Íø119074- Singapore
20. 21. Alphabetical order
22. Senior authors
23. Lead contact.
* Correspondence: Jonathan Göke (
òòò½Íø’s Genome Institute of òòò½Íø(GIS)
The Genome Institute of òòò½Íø(GIS) is an institute of the òòò½Íø- Technology and Research (A*STAR). It has a global vision that seeks to use genomic sciences to achieve extraordinary improvements in human health and public prosperity. Established in 2000 as a centre for genomic discovery- the GIS will pursue the integration of technology- genetics and biology towards academic- economic and societal impact.
The key research areas at the GIS include Human Genetics- Infectious Diseases- Cancer Therapeutics and Stratified Oncology- Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology- Cancer Stem Cell Biology- Computational and Systems Biology- and Translational Research.
The genomics infrastructure at the GIS is utilised to train new scientific talent- to function as a bridge for academic and industrial research- and to explore scientific questions of high impact.For more information about GIS- please visit .
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