AMED-A*STAR Joint Grant Call - “Tackling and Conquering Cancer Complexity”

About the Grant

The aim of this call is to strengthen research collaborations between Japan and within the field of biomedical research, under the theme: “Tackling and Conquering Cancer Complexity”.

With regard to “Cancer Complexity”, recent studies have revealed that tumor tissues are composed of heterogeneous and highly diverse cell populations. It is important to understand cancer as a complex biological system through more detailed and multi-dimensional analysis of the pleiotropic interactions between cells promoting and maintaining tumor growth.

Taking advantage of existing strengths, such as basic cancer biology in Japan and computational science in Singapore, key challenges in the area of cancer translational and basic research should be addressed. Examples of key challenges are:

  • Elucidating the roles of RNA and RNA-sensing pathways in tumor progression and immunity.
  • Mapping field cancerisation to define mutual influences among cancer and other cell types.
  • Harnessing AI to integrate and mine big data of single-cell and spatial omics for precision diagnosis and therapy.
  • Biological and computational view of cancer evolution and adaptation.

This is operated under the Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP) between AMED and A*STAR.

In this collaborative call, AMED and A*STAR will fund up to three proposals, each at a total budget of no more than 23.07 million yen (Direct Expenses) from AMED and no more than SGD$250,000 (inclusive of indirect cost) from A*STAR for the entire project duration. AMED will provide support for the researchers based in Japan, and A*STAR will support the researchers based in Singapore.

The duration of a collaborative research project shall be no longer than three years (thirty-six (36) months) in total from the start date.


Eligibility criteria for Singapore-based PI are as below:

  • Singapore-based co-applicants must be an independent researcher from public sector research performers, namely the Institutes of Higher Learning (universities and polytechnics), A*STAR Research Institutes, as well as other non-defence-related public sector agencies (e.g., Ministries, Statutory Boards).
  • Singapore-based co-applicants must hold a primary appointment of at least 75% in a local publicly funded institution and salaried by the institution.
  • Early-stage investigators who completed his/her doctorate in the last 7 years are strongly encouraged to apply.

Grant Call Timeline

Event Date
Launch of Call for Proposals 25 May 2023
Closing of Call for Proposals 20 July 2023, 1700Hrs (Time)
Joint ReviewEarly November 2023
Notification of selected projectsEnd November 2023
Funding Commencement1 January 2024

Application Procedure

Joint proposals:

  • Must be written in English.
  • Collaboration with PIs from multiple institutes are allowed.
  • Each PI can only submit one proposal (multiple applications will be rejected).
  • All applications must be submitted to A*STAR (as the Implementing Agency) electronically via iGrants at the following link:  by 20 July 2023, 1700Hrs (Time). The Japan-based PI must also concurrently submit the joint proposal to AMED.
  • Applications must be endorsed by the applicants’ Host Institution(s), prior to submission.

Application Materials

For Enquiries

Please email for further enquiries.