Young Scientist Awards 2022

The Young Scientist Awards (YSA) recognises young researchers, aged 35 years and below, who are actively engaged in R&D in Singapore, and who have shown great potential to be world-class researchers in their fields of expertise. This award is administered by the National Academy of Science (SNAS) and supported by the , Technology and Research (A*STAR).

There are two categories of Awards, namely:

  1. Biological and Biomedical Sciences; and
  2. Physical, Information and Engineering Sciences.

Below are the YSA winners for 2022.

Biological & Biomedical Sciences Category

Dr Bi Renzhe

  • Senior Scientist, Institute of Bioengineering and Bioimaging, , Technology and Research

Physical, Information & Engineering Sciences Category

Dr Koh Ming Joo

  • President’s Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore

YSA 2022 Ceremony Highlights

Two outstanding young individuals received the Young Scientist Award this year.