FAQS for Other Matters under A*GA


Applying for Internship at ASTAR Research Institutes

1. I am interested in an attachment with A*STAR? Will there be opportunities for me?
  • For international undergraduate and Masters students who are interested in the òòò½ÍøInternational Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA), please apply .
  • For others, please apply via this .
2. I am keen to do an attachment with A*STAR. However, I am only available to work for only a few weeks or 1 - 2 weeks during my vacation period. Will that be possible?
A*GA processes attachment that is at least 2 months (full time) in duration. For a shorter duration, please approach the potential supervisors directly to secure a placement. Email them your CV and academic grades for their consideration.

3. I am currently a Student Pass holder. Am I eligible to do an internship with A*STAR?
Yes, students with valid Student Pass can apply for an internship at A*STAR. Please apply online via the .

4. I am currently on Dependant Pass (DP). Am I eligible to do an internship with A*STAR?
Dependant’s Pass holders must apply for an Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit or Letter of Consent (LoC) if they wish to work in Singapore. Please refer to the following:
5. I am a student studying at an overseas university. Does A*STAR allow remote internship?
Students from overseas university would need to arrange directly with the potential supervisor if remote work arrangement is feasible after having considered intellectual property issues, logistical matters, work outcome, etc.

6. I have completed my attachment with A*STAR. May I request for a letter to acknowledge that I have ever done my attachment with A*STAR? 
Please approach your supervisor at the research institute, who will be able to generate a letter of certification for your attachment from the A*STAR Student Management Portal (ASMP).

7. Is there a list of possible projects that I am able to see and apply for internships with A*STAR?
Please refer to these links before you decide to apply online via the . Upon receiving your application, A*GA will surface your application based on our choices. Should you be shortlisted for any suitable projects, the potential supervisor will contact you for an interview to assess your suitability for his/her project.

Training Employment Pass (TEP) and Entry Approval

1. How long will it take to get approval for Training Employment Pass (TEP) application?
Training Employment Pass (TEP) requires approximately 6 to 8 weeks of processing time, subject to MOM’s approval. For more information on TEP, please visit MOM website: .

2. How do I register for a Singpass? Can TEP pass holders do so?
Please note that Singpass is currently not available for TEP holders.
Register for Singpass via 
Contact SingPass via 

3. How do I obtain the proof of my vaccination status or certificate?
To access your vaccination certificate, use your SingPass login. Register for a SingPass account to download the certificate.

COVID-19 Travel-related Costs

1. Am I eligible to claim for COVID-19 travel-related costs?
You are eligible to claim for all mandatory COVID-19 travel-related costs if you are an overseas A*STAR scholar returning to òòò½Íøfor deployment, departing òòò½Íøfor overseas studies and/or on compulsory/official travel as directed by A*GA. The funding support will cease when they are no longer mandated by the Government of the destination country.

2. What are the claimable COVID-19 travel-related costs?
All mandatory COVID-19 entry requirements (e.g. SHN/PCR tests) set by the destination country will be reimbursable. The funding support will cease when they are no longer mandated by the Government of the destination country.

3. When must I submit my claims?
All claims must be submitted within 2 months of invoice or event date.

4. What are the required documents when submitting COVID-19 travel-related claims?
The official invoice and/or bank statements (if in foreign currency) bearing the scholar’s name are required for verification.

5. Are my spouse and children eligible to claim for COVID-19 travel-related costs?
Accompanying spouse and children of overseas A*STAR scholars are eligible to claim for mandatory COVID-19 travel-related cost. The funding support will cease when they are no longer mandated by the Government of the destination country.