FAQS for A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP)



1. What are the eligibility criteria for students to be nominated for ARAP? 
Students must be either a matriculated or newly enrolled PhD students at the collaborating university. They should possess at least a Bachelor’s degree with Second-Class (Upper) Honours or equivalent.

2. Are students required to undertake English language proficiency tests to be considered for ARAP? 
The programme does not require students to undertake English language proficiency tests. However, students should demonstrate some level of English proficiency as the main medium of communication in òòò½Íøis English.

3. Can students enrolled in an integrated MSc-PhD programme be nominated for ARAP?
Students would be placed on ARAP only during the PhD phase.


1. What funding support does ARAP provide?
ARAP awardees will be provided the following*:
  • Monthly stipend of S$3,200
  • One-time airfare grant of S$1,500
  • One-time settling-in allowance of S$1,000
  • Housing subsidy
  • Medical insurance
  • Conference allowance
  • One-time IT allowance
However, A*STAR may recover the one-time settling-in allowance if the student spends less than a year at the A*STAR Research Institute.

* Terms of award are reviewed periodically, and prevailing terms apply to awardees starting their ARAP attachment from January 2024 onwards.

2. Can ARAP awardees extend their attachment beyond two years? 
ARAP provides funding support for a minimum of one year to a maximum of two years. The awardee may check with the A*STAR Research Institute or supervisor for funding opportunities if he/she wishes to extend his/her attachment beyond the two years.

3. Does A*STAR cover the university tuition fees for the duration of ARAP?
A*STAR does not cover the tuition fees at the university but will fund the awardee’s stipends and allowances as per the award terms for the duration of ARAP.