FAQS for A*STAR Science Awards (Upper Sec, JC and Polytechnic)


Upper Sec Science Award

1. What is the selection / nomination process? 
Nominations are submitted by the schools and nominees will be reviewed by the A*STAR Graduate Academy (A*GA).

For more information, please click here to read more.

JC Science Award

1. What is the selection / nomination process? 
Nominations are submitted by the schools and nominees will be reviewed by the A*STAR Graduate Academy (A*GA).

For more information, please click here to read more.

Polytechnic Science Award

Nomination & Selection

1. What is the A*STAR Science Award (Polytechnic)?
The A*STAR Science Award (Polytechnic) is awarded to local polytechnic students who demonstrate strong aptitude for mathematics and science. Students should also demonstrate keen interest in scientific research and development (R&D).

2. Who is eligible for the award?
The award is open to Year 2 and Year 3 students and it is tenable for up to 2 years. The Award includes a subsidy of tuition fees that is capped at S$2,500 per year and an annual allowance of $2,000. Awardees are required to undertake a full-time research attachment at one of the A*STAR Research Institutes. This can take the form of an Internship Attachment or a Final Year Project. Awardees can also be invited to participate in other A*STAR activities such as seminars and conferences by leading scientists.

3. How do I apply for the award?
Application for the award is made through nominations by the Polytechnics, typically in April each year. Students who are interested in the award may indicate your interest to your polytechnic coordinator / lecturer.

List of Polytechnic coordinator for A*STAR Science Award (Polytechnic)
PolytechnicPoint of ContactEmail
Nanyang PolytechnicMrs Ivy LIM Ai Mui ivy_lim@nyp.edu.sg
 Ms Chew Su Hweichew_su_hwei@nyp.edu.sg
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Ms Ruzita SalimanRuzita_SALIMAN@np.edu.sg

Ms Dorothea OngDorothea_ONG@np.edu.sg

Mr Joshua ChewJoshua_CHEW@np.edu.sg
Republic PolytechnicMs Stephanie Ngstephanie_ng@rp.edu.sg
òòò½ÍøPolytechnicMr Glenn EeGlenn_Ee@sp.edu.sg
Temasek PolytechnicMr Lim Bin Mok limbm@tp.edu.sg

4. What is the selection process?
Nominations submitted by the polytechnics will be reviewed by A*STAR and nominees may be invited for an interview with A*STAR as part of the selection process.
Fees & Financial Matters

1.How will the tuition fees and allowances be received by awardees?
The A*STAR Graduate Academy (A*GA) will collaborate with the polytechnics to reimburse the tuition fees and allowances to the awardees yearly.

Research Attachments

1.How do I apply for an attachment with A*STAR as part of the award’s requirement?
Awardees are to work with their polytechnics to source for attachment opportunities at an A*STAR Research Institute (RI), through the respective RIs’ websites.

Please find the list of RIs under the Biomedical Research Council HERE.
Please find the list of RIs under the Science and Engineering Research Council HERE.

Awardees are encouraged to visit the websites of the A*STAR Research Institutes to identify opportunities in their areas of research interest. Awardees are required to submit their internship request application via the Internship Application  at least 2 to 3 months in advance of their intended start date/period. 

Internship duration: must be at least 2 full months (fulltime).

2. Will I be paid allowances/stipends during the attachment?
Provision of allowances for the attachment at A*STAR has been made in the annual allowance of $2,000 as part of the A*STAR Science Award. 

3. Is it compulsory for me to do an attachment with A*STAR?
Yes, an attachment with A*STAR is mandatory as part of the A*STAR Science Award (Polytechnic). You may choose to undertake this attachment as either your Internship Attachment or Final Year Project at one of the A*STAR RIs.

A*STAR reserves the right to recover the award amount if you do not complete your attachment requirement.

Students who would like to extend their research attachment at A*STAR should discuss it with the RI and research mentor.


1. Am I allowed to hold other scholarship awards concurrent with the A*STAR Science Award (Polytechnic)?
Yes, you may hold concurrent scholarship awards, but only one awarding organisation will make payment for your tuition fees. Awardees holding concurrent scholarships award are still required to fulfil a full-time research attachment at one of the A*STAR RIs.This can take the form of either an Internship Attachment or Final Year Project.

2. What is the process for the renewal of my award?
A*STAR will review your examinations results provided by your polytechnic at the end of the second academic year. This will be conducted together with the performance feedback provided during your attachment/internship with A*STAR.