
A*CRC Usage Policy

The purpose of this Resource Usage Policy is to safeguard and preserve the interests of A*CRC (and its Affiliates*), its resources (including any computing and network facilities), and authorised users. All users of A*CRC’s computing resources are required to abide by this Resource Usage Policy.   

A*CRC reserves all rights to at any time deny, revoke or restrict access to its resources to any user and/or any user account, without ascribing any reason whatsoever. 

The terms of this Resource Usage Policy may be changed from time to time by A*CRC in its sole discretion and without prior notice.

General Policy

All resources, equipment, hardware, software, and other matter (including but not limited to text, images, photographs, video, audio, graphics, software programs and any network links) to which you are given access, are owned by, licensed to or controlled by A*CRC (or its Affiliates*), and are protected by copyright, trademark and other forms of proprietary rights.
You shall not reproduce, publish, upload, post, transmit, adapt, modify or otherwise display, distribute or exploit in any way, without the prior written permission of A*CRC, the same or any part thereof.
Your use of the resources must not be or be perceived as detrimental whether directly or indirectly to A*CRC (and its Affiliates*), the resources and/or its authorised users. Please observe the netiquette on the Internet. You are required to respect the rights and privacy of other users, and the integrity of the resources including by not engaging or attempting to engage in the following activities:
  • Harassing other users (including via email using offensive language, or frequency of email messages, and/or size of email messages);
  • Anything that is immoral, offensive, religious, political, abusive or pornographic;
  • Damaging or altering of any software or hardware components;
  • Gaining unauthorised access to any network or system, account or data;
  • Introducing any unauthorised or malicious software or the like (or hoax thereof) into any part of the resources or into any network or system by way of any part of the resources; and/or
  • Doing anything that is against the law.

Account and Password

You are required to use only the authorised user account, that has been assigned to you. You shall maintain your user account information secret and not reveal your user account information to anyone, whether or not in encrypted form.

Copyright Material and Licensed Software, Programs and Data

The installation, use, copying, transfer or other dealing of any unauthorised hardware or software, or any matter which infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party, is strictly prohibited. 

Network Activity

You shall not in anyway tamper with the network connection point within the resource’s communication infrastructure. Sharing of the network address is prohibited. Listening on the network within/ or outside the network to A*CRC’s (or its Affiliates*) network traffic is an offence. Causing or attempting to cause a denial of network services deliberately either through physical means or the use of software exploiting the loopholes of any network protocol is strictly prohibited.

Electronic Mail

Do not masquerade as another person or email as an anonymous user. Broadcasting of unsolicited bulk messages, sending of junk mail, forwarding of chain letters, and sending of spam is prohibited. The above does not include information dissemination for official purposes such as announcement or corporate messages.


All publications resulting from the use of A*CRC’s resources shall acknowledge A*CRC.

As an example, the following text shall be sufficient:
“This work was supported by the A*STAR Computational Resource Centre through the use of its high performance computing facilities.”

In addition, users shall also furnish A*CRC with both a softcopy of each publication for record keeping.

As a general guideline, A*CRC does not require any of its staff members to be specifically acknowledged or named as a co-author. However, users are not precluded from doing so if, in their opinion, the A*CRC staff has contributed sufficiently enough to the work to merit a co-authorship.

Nevertheless for any substantial collaborative R&D work between A*CRC and the user’s organisation (especially where a formal memorandum of understanding or research collaboration agreement exists), A*CRC expects its staff involved to be duly recognised.

Prohibited Work

You shall not use the resources for any of the following work:
  • Anti-Submarine;
  • The design, development, production or use of any nuclear explosive devices (including any components, or subsystem thereof);
  • The design, development, production or use of any rocket system or unmanned air vehicle system that is nuclear weapon capable;
  • The design, development, production or use of any nuclear fuel recycling component or device;
  • The design, development, production or use of any nuclear propulsion component or device; and/or
  • The design, development, production or use of any chemical or biological weapon.

Consequences of Breach

Users are hereby reminded that the misuse of computer material, resources and services may amount to an offence under the Computer Misuse Act (Cap. 50A). Further, the infringement of intellectual property may also result in civil and/or criminal liability under laws. Where A*CRC suspects that such laws are or may be breached by any user or in relation to any user account, A*CRC reserves the right to take such steps as it deems fit with regard to the relevant authority.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

The resources are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, A*CRC (and its Affiliates*) do not warrant and hereby disclaim any warranty, express or otherwise implied to the fullest extent of the applicable laws:

as to the accuracy, correctness, completeness, reliability, timeliness, non-infringement, title, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or satisfactory quality of the resources or any part thereof; and that the resources or any part thereof or any functions associated therewith will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected or that the resources is and will be free of all viruses, worms and/or other harmful or invasive elements. A*CRC (and its Affiliates*) assume no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions.
In no event shall A*CRC (or its Affiliates*) be liable to you or anyone else for any injury, damage, loss or expense of any kind, direct and indirect, including but without limitation, special or consequential damage, or economic loss arising from or in connection with the use of the resources or any part thereof, including but not limited to any injury, damage or loss suffered as a result of reliance on the resources or any part thereof.

In no event shall A*CRC (or its Affiliates*) have any responsibility or liability for any injury, damage, loss or expense caused by any negligence, omission or fault of its agents, advisors, consultants or contractors in connection with the resources or any part thereof

Governing Law

The laws of the Republic of shall govern such access as well as the application of this Resource Usage Policy. Further, you agree to submit to the non exclusive jurisdiction of the courts regarding any and all disputes relating to these terms and conditions and/or use of the resources.

*  A*CRC’s Affiliates shall mean the , Technology and Research (“A*STAR”), Accelerate Technologies Pte Ltd and/or any research institute managed or funded by A*STAR

Click here to save the policy declaration form.