The Bioinformatics Institute (BII) is developing cutting edge software suite, computerized pipelines and electronic databases for diverse applications in bioinformatics, computational biology, genomics, phenomics and clinical data analysis. Many of these software projects lead to tools (see for examples below on this page as well as on the BII research groups' pages) that can also have a useful application in a commercial setting. BII is ready to license out those tools for conditions favorable for the business partners. BII is also open to joint software/database development, modification and maintenance projects in the fields mentioned in collaboration with industrial partners.

GeneCloudOmics: Microarray and RNA-Seq data analysis

GeneCloudOmics is an easy-to-use web server for high-throughput gene expression analysis that allows both microarray and RNA-Seq data set analyses with a comprehensive range of data analytics tools in one package that no other current standalone software or web-based tool can do.

GeneCloudOmics provides the user access to 23 different data analytical and bioinformatics tasks including reads normalization, scatter plots, linear/non-linear correlations, PCA, clustering (hierarchical, k-means, t-SNE, SOM), differential expression analyses, pathway enrichments, evolutionary analyses, pathological analyses, and protein-protein interaction (PPI) identifications.

Furthermore, GeneCloudOmics allows the direct import of gene expression data from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database. The user can perform all tasks rapidly through an intuitive graphical user interface that overcomes the hassle of coding, installing tools/packages/libraries and dealing with operating systems compatibility and version issues, complications that make data analysis tasks challenging for biologists.

Thus, GeneCloudOmics is a one-stop open-source tool for gene expression data analysis and visualization. It is freely available for academic use at
(). Commercial usage requires a license. 

Publications describing software and its application:

GeneCloudOmics: A Data Analytic Cloud Platform for High-throughput Gene Expression Analysis. Helmy M, Agrawal R, Soudy M, Bui TT, Selvarajoo K*. Front Bioinform., 1:693836 (2021).