BII Scientific Conference 2023

On 29th March 2023, the Bioinformatics Institute (BII) hosted its annual BII Scientific Conference at Multi-Purpose Halls 1 & 2, Level 1, Innovis Building, 2 Fusionopolis Way. In this event, the Principal Investigators (PIs) and researchers unveiled their latest research developments and scientific breakthroughs. Notably, the renowned Prof Yang Zhang graced the conference as our guest speaker, captivating the audience with his enlightening talk on "Toward the Solution of the Protein Structure Prediction Problem."
Following Prof Yang Zhang's engaging presentation, PIs and researchers from four diverse divisions took the stage, sharing a spectrum of fascinating research subjects. Attended by over 120 participants, including BII staff, students, and the general public, this year's conference was a vibrant exchange of ideas. The video recordings of these insightful presentations are accessible for public viewing, extending the knowledge-sharing beyond the event.
Following Prof Yang Zhang's engaging presentation, PIs and researchers from four diverse divisions took the stage, sharing a spectrum of fascinating research subjects. Attended by over 120 participants, including BII staff, students, and the general public, this year's conference was a vibrant exchange of ideas. The video recordings of these insightful presentations are accessible for public viewing, extending the knowledge-sharing beyond the event.
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