BII HIghlights

[Featured Research] Multiscale Simulations, Modeling and Design Group: Laboratory-developed protein spikes to closely mimic SARS-CoV-2 viral spike proteins

[Featured Research] Multiscale Simulations, Modeling and Design Group: Laboratory-developed protein spikes to closely mimic SARS-CoV-2 viral spike proteins



A new international study has found that several laboratory-developed protein spikes, manufactured through different methods in labs across the world, are able to closely mimic the SARS-CoV-2 viral spike proteins.

Dr. Peter Bond and his team from the Multiscale Simulation, Modelling and Design Group in Bioinformatics Institute, A*STAR assisted in the study using computational methods to examine the protein features that were shaping some of the glycosylation features that were seen across all the samples.

Dr. Peter Bond also shared that, "Our modelling enabled us to shed light on how the protein influences the structure of the glycans and why the glycosylation was so consistent. This predictive approach could also be of potential value in therapeutics development against new variants or other emerging viruses."

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