Executive Director's Message

Lisa Ng (5)

The COVID-19 pandemic is a reminder that it is impossible to predict when an outbreak will occur, where it may originate from, or what the infectious disease agent may be. There is a constant need to develop new vaccines, diagnostics and drugs to target these outbreaks.  A*STAR’s response has been swift and efficient with the development of much needed diagnostics and preventive tools. However, the pandemic has also taught us that we can do better and as such we embarked on the establishment of A*STAR Infectious Diseases Labs (A*STAR IDL) with the goal to enhance Singapore’s pandemic preparedness and position A*STAR as a top-notch location to conduct Infectious Diseases research. 

Building upon a robust foundation of the highly talented researchers, advanced technology, conducive environment and complemented by our strong international network, A*STAR IDL is well-placed to build long term capabilities and respond to the emerging challenges of disease research and pandemic preparedness that COVID-19 has exemplified. A*STAR IDL is prepared for the uncertain future and we are working together to achieve our goal. 

Prof Lisa NG 
Executive Director, A*STAR IDL