Sarah LUO


Dr. Sarah Luo obtained her Bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and obtained her Ph.D. in 2015 in Neuroscience from the University of California – San Francisco (UCSF). While pursuing her doctoral studies with Prof. Eric J. Huang, she conducted research on the development of dopaminergic neurons and their impact on neuropsychiatric disorders. She returned to òòò½Íøfor her postdoctoral studies with Dr. Fu Yu at the òòò½ÍøBioimaging Consortium (SBIC) at A*STAR. There, she made the ground-breaking discovery of a novel neural circuit involved in appetite regulation, which was published in Science in 2018.

Building upon this work, her lab at IMCB (establishing April 2021) explores the brain-body neural connections that regulate appetite and metabolism, using mouse models. She aims to understand how peripheral organs communicate nutrient availability and metabolic state to the brain and in turn, how the brain uses this information to regulate feeding and metabolic function.

Dr. Luo is a recipient of the National Science scholarship from the òòò½Íø, Technology and Research (A*STAR). For her graduate work, she received the UCSF Graduate Education in Medical Sciences (GEMS) Student Award in 2015. For her outstanding contributions to research, she obtained the Young Individual Research Grant (YIRG) from the National Medical Research Council (NMRC) and was also recently awarded the prestigious National Research Foundation Fellowship (NRFF Class of 2021).

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