IMCB offers a diverse portfolio of technology platforms that provide capabilities and support at all stages of the preclinical drug discovery and development journey, from target and lead discovery and efficacy studies in different disease modelling platforms, to analytic tools to support analysis in specialized areas, such as PKPD, toxicology and histopathology. Several of the capabilities are unique to òòò½Íøor South-East Asia.
Managed by IMCB Horizontal Tech Platform Division, these platforms are offered through . Investigators from A*STAR, the Universities and Hospitals, and Industry are welcome to take advantage of these capabilities to propel their research. Besides providing high quality, reliable and timely routine services, the platforms can be engaged to explore the (co-)development of bespoke protocols and assays. The Division also aims, based on interest or demand, to develop or deploy novel next-generation technologies.
I. Target and Lead Discovery

IMCB Advanced Proteomics Platform (A-PROMPT) integrates and consolidates the well-established proteomics capabilities of two accomplished proteomics laboratories (Functional Proteomics and Translational Biomedical Proteomics) in IMCB to provide high quality proteomics expertise to industries and academic researchers. We apply advanced mass spectrometry technology to various domains, ranging from biomedical sciences to food and nutrition applications in engagement with multiple academic research groups, public agencies, hospitals and private entities.

IMCB RNAi facility is a pioneering center dedicated to supporting phenotypic functional genomic screens. Established in 2005, it was Singapore’s first facility for genome-wide RNAi screening. Our capabilities include training and guidance in miniaturizing cell-based assays into a 384-well format, access to comprehensive arrayed siRNA libraries for both mouse and human genomes, and advanced high-content imaging and analysis tools such as Opera Phenix, Operetta CLS and Incucyte SX5. Additionally, we provide expertise in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), offering customized solutions for RNA-Seq, functional genomics pools library screen, including CrispR/Cas9 and CrispRI screens.
II. Disease Modelling Platforms

IMCB Micro-Physiological Systems (MPS) unit specialises in developing advanced microfluidic platforms to create 3D tumor immunocompetent microenvironments for cancer research. These innovative multicellular models replicate specific human solid tumor tissue conditions, enabling personalised medicine approaches by matching optimal drugs and techniques to individual patients. The lab’s cutting-edge technology serves as a valuable preclinical tool, potentially enhancing the efficiency and precision of clinical trials and enabling the study of the complex cellular interplay within the tumor microenvironment.

IMCB BioPharma Innovation and Solutions (BPIS) provides comprehensive end-to-end solutions for drug discovery, covering the entire process from target identification to preclinical candidate nomination, under GLP-like or GLP conditions, ensuring high quality and strict confidentiality. BPIS utilises high-quality cancer tissue specimens from local hospitals, integrating multi-omics data with bioinformatics and cell biology tools to identify and validate targets and design proof-of-concept studies for oncology target discovery and development. In addition, BPIS has robust in-house platforms, including a specialised bioanalysis platform for small molecules, oligonucleotides, and biologics; validated preclinical animal models for oncology (syngeneic, cell line derived & patient-derived models), and fibrosis (lung, liver & kidney), as well as comprehensive pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) and toxicokinetic studies to support clients, collaborators and in-house projects. Our expertise also encompasses efficacy evaluations in rodent models and toxicity assessments (GLP and non-GLP) to ensure the safety of drugs, cosmetics, and novel foods.

At IMCB Humanised Mouse Laboratory, advanced scientific techniques are employed to develop mice stably reconstituted with functional human immune systems, human liver, and human gut microbiota. By modelling a spectrum of human diseases, this innovative platform accelerates our understanding of disease pathogenesis and the evaluation and discovery of therapeutics. Bridging the gap between research and clinical trials, our team contributes to enhanced health outcomes and advancements in global biomedical research.

IMCB Mouse Models of Human Disease (MMD) is uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive support for generating genetically modified mice (including genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 technology, encompassing frameshift knock-out, point mutagenesis, reporter knock-in, and gene-specific knock-in) and developing therapeutic assets (small molecules and biologics) across multiple therapeutic areas such as cancer (syngeneic, CDX & PDX xenograft models and Mixeno models), fibrosis, respiratory diseases, metabolic diseases, and auto-immune disorders. Expertise in therapeutic asset development include in-vitro and in-vivo pharmacological models to screen therapeutic molecules across various therapeutic areas with pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) correlation. In addition, we provide support for rodent toxicological assessment (non-GLP) for therapeutic asset. Overall, MMD is capable to support development of therapeutic asset from target validation to preclinical proof-of-concept, thereby facilitating the path towards IND filing.

The IMCB Zebrafish Facility is a state-of-the-art research hub equipped with advanced zebrafish husbandry systems from Schwarz (Germany) and Aquatic Habitats (USA). Supporting cutting-edge biomedical research across A*STAR and other Singaporean institutions, this facility breeds and maintains an extensive array of wild-type, mutant, and transgenic zebrafish strains. Researchers have access to a suite of precision tools and imaging technologies, including high-end microinjectors, micromanipulators, and specialized microscopes, enabling breakthroughs in genetics, developmental biology, and beyond. Accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International, the facility is regularly reviewed by Singapore’s Animal and Veterinary Service and A*STAR’s Biological Resource Centre, upholding the highest standards of ethical and scientific excellence.
III. Analytic Tools

IMCB Advanced Molecular Pathology Laboratory (AMPL) is a GLP-certified histopathology facility with over a decade of experience, offering a broad range of histology services to the biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors. Our lab specialises in necropsy, histoprocessing (cryo and paraffin), immunohistochemistry, whole slide imaging, multiplexing, special stains, tissue microarrays, laser capture microdissection, and animal clinical chemistry/hematology. It also offers expert pathology evaluation for both animal and human tissues. Our team of highly skilled histotechnicians and board-certified pathologists, equipped with advanced technologies, drive innovative contributions to both basic and translational research. We play a crucial role in therapeutic target validation and drug safety evaluation, delivering GLP-compliant, dependable results that are recognised by regulatory agencies.

IMCB Flow Core Facility has been a key feature of the IMCB research community since 2019. The platform possesses a wide suite of flow cytometry analysers and sorters, catering to a myriad of applications, ranging from a simple apoptosis assay to high dimensional spectral immunophenotyping. The facility conducts demonstrations and seminars regularly, connecting the community to new technologies in the market. It also places a large emphasis on education and training for its userbase, concurrently promoting a vibrant and interactive flow community within the institute and beyond.

Unlock the secrets of the tumour-immune microenvironment with IMCB Immunomapping Platform (iMAP)! Specialising in tissue-based immune-profiling of cancers and other diseases, iMAP offers a one-stop solution for optimising, staining and imaging, with customisable assays. Dive into the world of spatial biology with state-of-the-art multiplex spatial proteomic biomarker profiling and our advanced spatial transcriptomic services. iMAP's innovative capabilities provide in-depth data for intricate analyses that uncover meaningful biological insights.

IMCB Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) platform provides a comprehensive pipeline for non-invasive live imaging of rodents, providing structural and functional information with high spatiotemporal resolution. We provide deep expertise in. neuroimaging, including functional MRI (fMRI), resting state fMRI, DTI, structural MRI and proton MRS; 2 as well as in hyperpolarised 13-C metabolic flux imaging, which includes novel hyperpolarisable probe development for bespoke applications.
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