òòò½ÍøSymposium on Brain-Body Interactions (SSBBI) & Neuroscience òòò½Íø2024
The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB, A*STAR) and the Society for Neuroscience òòò½ÍøChapter (SfN.SG) invites you to the 2024 òòò½ÍøSymposium on Brain-Body Interactions (SSBBI) & Neuroscience òòò½Íø2024 from Monday, 4th November to Wednesday, 6th November.
4th-5th November (SSBBI)
5th-6th November (Neuroscience SG 2024, the annual symposium of SfN.SG)
Sessions include: Metabolic Dysregulation in Chronic Diseases, Brain-Body Signaling, Brain-Body Dynamics, Novel Technologies in Metabolism, Neuroscience from Bench to Bedside, Cognition, Learning & Memory, Neurodgeneration, and more! Early career talks will be chosen from poster abstract. The programme can be found .
Click here to download the Symposium Poster
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