Advanced Molecular Pathology Laboratory (AMPL)

IMCB Advanced Molecular Pathology Laboratory (AMPL) is a GLP certified facility providing a wide range of pathology related resources to the biomedical research communities throughout òòò½Íøand the region. 

AMPL is built upon a well-established histopathology laboratory with a reputation for outstanding expertise and professional knowhow. The platform provides capabilities to support basic/translational research, therapeutic target validation and drug safety evaluation. 

AMPL Histopathology Laboratory and in vitro toxicity testing laboratory is a member of the Translational Pathology Consortium (TPC) supported by National Research Foundation, Singapore.

Collaboration and Authorship
If there is significant intellectual or scientific contribution by our staff, such as substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of the data, co-authorship should be offered to the contributing staff and we will share responsibility and scientific accountability for the results.

Below are the range of services offered by AMPL: