T01 - Outbreak Response

Accepting Applications Now!

Deadline: 30 September 2025, 1200 hrs (SGT)
Applications are accepted any time before the deadline. Evaluation will begin upon acknowledgement of receipt. 

Maximum Duration: 12 months
Maximum Quantum: S$300,000 (including 30% indirect costs)

Applicant Eligibility

1. The Lead Investigator and Co-Investigators as defined in Grant Terms and Conditions should:

  • Hold a primary appointment in a òòò½Íøpublicly funded research institution or an Institute of Higher Learning (IHL). The Lead Investigator must hold a primary appointment of at least 0.7 FTE in Singapore.
  • Lead a laboratory or research programme which carries out research in Singapore.
  • Possess track record of leadership ability in coordinating research programmes and providing mentorship to research teams as well as having productive research outcomes. A track record in securing IRS will be advantageous.

2. Exceptions to the above eligibility criteria will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please submit a request to the NATi Coordinating Office.

3. Collaborators as defined in Grant Terms and Conditions are not eligible to receive NATi funding. Companies can participate in NATi projects only as collaborators. There are no exceptions.


Rapid preclinical development of an RNA vaccine or therapeutic in response to an ongoing disease outbreak

Key Requirements

  • The outbreak should present a significant public health risk to Singapore
  • The path to clinic should be identified upfront to facilitate a rapid response

Information Session

Register for our info session on 12 Mar 2025 (Wed), 3.00 PM SGT!

How To Apply

Email completed application form and supporting documents to enquiry@nati.sg