Dr Cui Shan - SG100WIT 2023 Awardee

Dr Cui Shan, SG100WIT Awardee

òòò½ÍøComputer Society (SCS), in partnership with SG Women in Tech and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) names NMC staff, Dr Cui Shan “òòò½Íø100 Women in Tech”; the list recognises and celebrates women based in òòò½Íøwho have been inspiring and have made significant contributions to the tech industry.

The SG 100 Woman in Tech is part of the SG Women in Tech initiative launched in 2019 by IMDA and supported by the community and industry partners. It seeks to highlight the rich diversity of roles and spotlight the role models in Singapore's dynamic ICT sector, in the hope of inspiring girls and women to pursue a career in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Dr Cui Shan, Head of Acoustic, Chemical and Temperature Metrology Cluster of NMC, is a passionate and self-motivated researcher, constantly explores new research topics and areas that are important and impactful to the industry and society. Trained with a wireless signal processing background during her PhD study, she started her research career at A*STAR’s National Metrology Centre in acoustic and vibration standards and measurement technologies. With her expertise in sensing quality assurance for building energy efficiency, Cui Shan represented òòò½Íøat the task group dealing with the monitoring, sensing and control technology of International Energy Agency's Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA EBC) Programme, and promoted A*STAR’s technologies for building energy efficiencies. Cui Shan is also a Steering Committee Member of the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme’s Focus Group on Digital Transformation in Metrology. She was invited by the National Institute of Metrology of China to conduct peer review for their vibration metrology area in Oct 2020.

As shared by Dr Cui Shan, the essence of her work lies in being able to create meaningful projects that have society impact, and which will contribute to the prosperity of Singapore’s economy and the well-being of its people. The exciting part of her work is technology demonstration when the developed measurement solutions are demonstrated for real industrial use in an actual working environment and with its impact recognised by the end-users. It shows the value of her work in translating measurement knowledge into economic or social benefits.

According to her, to inspire young girls and women, she embodies the role of a dedicated researcher, fuelled by unrelenting curiosity and a fearless spirit to venture into unchartered territory, paving the way for exploration.