Training and mentorship

The A*STAR Graduate Academy provides scholarships and fellowships to enable young aspiring scientific talent to pursue their passion in science, and prepare them for a rewarding career in R&D. In addition to offering scholarships and awards for undergraduate, PhD and post-doctoral studies at top universities and laboratories locally and overseas, we offer awards and attachment opportunities for pre-university students.
Secondary/Junior College/Polytechnics
A*STAR Science Awards:
A*STAR Science Award (Upper Secondary)A*STAR Science Award (Junior College)
A*STAR Science Award (Polytechnic)
Attachment Programmes:
H3 AttachmentA*STAR-MOE Attachment
Information on Research Attachments at A*STAR Research Institutes
Undergraduate Programmes
Singaporean students:
A*STAR Research Internship Award (ARIA)National Science Scholarship (BS)
International students:
òòò½ÍøInternational Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA)Graduate Programmes
Singaporean students:
National Science Scholarship (PhD)A*STAR Graduate Scholarship (Singapore)
International students:
òòò½ÍøInternational Graduate Award (SINGA)A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP)
All students:
Post Doctoral Training
A*STAR International Fellowship (AIF)Short courses
Skin Biology: Theory and Practices
During this five-day course you will develop advanced knowledge and practical skills in Skin Biology and also present networking opportunities for students, researchers and clinicians. The course is usually conducted twice a year in March and September. Lecture topics include organization and development of skin, to skin pathology, wound healing and stem cells. Lab-based practicals focus on essential skills such as isolation and culture of primary skin cells, 3D culture and immunohistology.A*STAR-Olympus Basic, Fluorescence & Confocal Microscopy Course
During this five-day course you will develop knowledge and practical skills in basic, fluorescence and confocal Microscopy. Both seminar places and practical places are limited. This practical course covers the basics of microscopy, from brightfield through phase contrast and DIC, to widefield fluorescence and confocal microscopy - including the complementary techniques of sample preparation and image analysis. There will be seminars to introduce the concepts followed by the relevant practicals to give all the attendees hands-on experience of how to properly implement these techniques for their biological research. For more information contact
A*STAR celebrates International Women's Day

From groundbreaking discoveries to cutting-edge research, our researchers are empowering the next generation of female science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) leaders.