


A*STAR celebrated the 20th anniversary of our Growing Enterprises through Technology Upgrade (GET-Up) initiative.

We also recognised two local enterprises – Moveon Technologies and Nanofilm Technologies International Limited, which received the GET-Up20 Innovation Awards. We are heartened to see our local enterprises achieve business success through our initiatives under GET-Up.

Congratulations to our GET-Up20 Innovation Award winners!

  • Moveon Technologies (Received by Mr Chee Teck Lee, CEO)
  • Nanofilm Technologies International Limited (Received by Mr Gian Yi Hsen, Group CSO)

Hear from our winners here


Through collaboration with A*STAR, local enterprises are able to access human capital, shared R&D resources and technology capabilities to achieve a competitive advantage.

Based on the stage of development of the local enterprises, the GET-Up programme will be able to benefit businesses through any of its following schemes:

  • Operation and Technology Roadmap (OTR): Owing to rapid technological changes and more demanding customer requirements, our local enterprises have to adapt their business strategies accordingly. The OTR scheme serves as a strategic review exercise facilitated by A*STAR with active participation of the company’s senior management to review their business operations and technology capability to meet future challenges and to capture new markets.
  • Technology for Enterprise Capability Upgrading (T-Up): In a knowledge-based economy, human talent for R&D is a key for any businesses. Through T-Up, local enterprises will be able to access the research pool from A*STAR to help upgrade their R&D capabilities and create leading-edge technologies that can reap commercial value.
  • Technical Advisory (TA): To ensure that the continued success of local enterprises following their T-Up journey, A*STAR also offers senior experts which serve as technical advisors to help these companies in their technology planning and strategy formulation.
  • Get in touch with us on our GET-Up programmes.

GET-Up Success Stories

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