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'Project Lighthouse' accelerates analytics and machine interaction in manufacturing

Project Lighthouse introduces analytics and machine interaction in manufacturing

Also known as the 4th manufacturing ‘revolution’- Industry 4.0 initiatives involve the widespread adoption of data- analytics- machine interaction and digital instructions in the global manufacturing industry.

To meet the industry’s challenges and demand- global consulting firm McKinsey and Company has partnered with A*STAR’s Advanced Remanufacturing & Technology Centre (ARTC) as a Tier-1 member for three years in ‘Project Lighthouse’.

A key component of Project Lighthouse is the development of a digital operations capability centre (DCC). The DCC will dovetail into A*STAR’s Factory of the Future platform- a private-public partnership that allows local manufacturing companies to learn- test- develop and scale Industry 4.0 solutions in manufacturing lines.

McKinsey will have access to ARTC’s state-of-the-art facilities to provide its clients with a live demonstration of Industry 4.0 solutions in three manufacturing lines - discrete- additive and continuous manufacturing lines. A virtual showcase will cover the end-to-end digital thread along the operations value chain.

McKinsey will also access ARTC’s network of over 40 industry members to accelerate the development of Industry 4.0 solutions

At the same time- ARTC researchers will have the opportunity to work with McKinsey’s modules and training programmes for Industry 4.0 adoption as well as gain valuable exposure to industry challenges and solutions.

The collaboration will also provide seed funding to start-ups developing solutions based on Industry 4.0 and build high-value skillsets for the current and future needs of Singapore’s manufacturing sector.

To find out more about ARTC- visit the website.