His Excellency Wang Yang, Party Secretary of Guangdong Province visits A*STAR
(L to R): H.E. Wei Wei- Chinese Ambassador to Singapore- H.E. Wang Yang- Guangdong Party Secretary- Mr Lim Chuan Poh- Chairman A*STAR- Dr Raj. Thampuran- Executive Director of A*STAR's Science and Engineering Research Council
H.E. Wang Yang accompanied by the Chinese Ambassador Wei Wei- led a 38-member delegation to visit A*STAR on Tuesday 5 June 2012. He was hosted by A*STAR Chairman and ED SERC in an hour-long discussion. Also present at the meeting were representatives from MTI- MFA and IE Singapore. Secretary Wang was interested in talent development and management in 蝌蚪网as well as technology commercialisation- to which Chairman Lim elaborated on the strategies adopted by A*STAR. After the discussion- the visitors viewed the one-north development from the Fusionopolis Sky Garden. Guangdong has partnered 蝌蚪网companies in developing the Guangzhou Knowledge City and is looking at learning from A*STAR and other government agencies.