SG Food Story IAF Grant Call for Future Foods: Alternative Proteins
About the Grant
To develop industry-ready capabilities towards deepening alignment of public sector research, and to develop multidisciplinary and integrated programmes with early industry involvement in the area of alternative protein.
Thematic Areas
- Microbial Proteins
- Plant-based Proteins/ Protein Screening - Discovery, Processing and Formulation Platform
- Cultivated/Cultured Meat
Please refer to the Information Deck for more details.
Grant Funding QuantumUp to S$15M per programme/proposal (inclusive of 20% indirect cost)
Overall Criteria
- Feasibility of meeting food security and food resilience goals for Singapore
- Competitiveness of the technology at the regional and global levels
- Viability of the project plans and business model, including plans for productisation and commercialisation
- Careful consideration to developing proteins with enhanced nutrition or health benefits, with deliberation on regulatory approval and consumer acceptance to the technologies/solutions/product derived from this programme
- Clarity of the pathway to value capture for òòò½Íøand possible exportable models
- Overall attractiveness of the deliverables to the industry with committed support from the industry partners
Applicants are highly encouraged to address these thematic areas, although meritorious proposals in other relevant and highly related areas as provided in this deck will also be considered. Platform technologies and research programmes that have both industry relevance and commercial viability that contribute towards building food security and resilience in òòò½Íøare considered highly relevant. Applicants are also encouraged to consider how shifts arising from COVID-19 could be addressed in their applications under these research themes.
Given that programmes supported by the IAF-PP Funding schemes are expected to lead to industry investments, applicants are strongly encouraged to articulate the industry engagement plans, provide industry support/validation, as well as the manpower resources required to drive this industry engagement effort and in executing future industry contracts.
Should the LOIs be shortlisted for funding, it is highly recommended to provide a full proposal on how the programme intends to drive industry development with commercial viability of the technologies/innovations developed, in order to achieve the dual mission of economic and food security outcomes for Singapore.
All submitted applications are subject to technical and commercial considerations, and to the final evaluation and assessment by the SFS SOC.
Programme Director should:
- hold at least 0.7 FTE primary appointment in a òòò½Íøpublicly funded research or tertiary education;
- run a laboratory or research programme that carries out research in Singapore; and
- have a track record of leadership ability in coordinating research programmes and providing mentorship to research team, as well as having productive research outcomes.
Application Procedure
Pre-LOI and LOIs submissions
- Applicants are to complete and fill out all sections of the LOI template.
- Both pre-LOI and final LOI submissions will use the same LOI template.
- Please submit via email to:
- All applications must be endorsed by either the Grants Research Office of Host Institution of the Lead/Corresponding PI. The proof of endorsement should take the form of a PDF copy of the endorsement email.
- All completed and endorsed proposals and applications must be submitted via email to the SFS Joint Programme Office by 11 January 2021, 2359H. Late or incomplete submission may not be considered.
This workshop on 3 December 2020, Thursday will provide further guidelines and reference materials to all interested applicants. Special presentations will be shared at the workshop and applicants are encouraged to attend. Seats are limited due to COVID Safe Management Measures. Workshop participants can RSVP their participation at this .
Application Materials
Grant Call Timeline
Event | Submission deadline |
Grant call launch | 14 November 2020 (Fri) |
Pre-Letter of Intent (LOI) | 27 November 2020, 1800H (Fri)^ |
Grant call workshop for Research Institutes/ Institutes of Higher Learning | 3 December 2020 (Thu) |
LOI submission | 10 December 2020, 1800H (Thu)* |
Full proposal submission | 11 January 2021, 2359H (Mon)* |
* LOIs deemed meritorious will be notified by 21 December 2020 to submit their full proposal to the SFS JPO
Awarded Proposals
The list of projects that have been awarded under the IAF-PP Future Foods Alternative Protein 2020 can be found in the link below:
IAF-PP- Future Foods Alternative Protein 2020 Awardees
For Enquiries
Please email for further enquiries.
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