Any experimental project involving use of laboratory animals must apply to IACUC for approval before commencing. The Principal Investigator (PI) is primarily responsible to obtain IACUC approval for the project. PI should download and complete the respective Application Form and submit to IACUC Office for review and approval.
- GMAC Approval: for use of genetically modified/engineered animals
- IRB Exemption/Approval Letter: for assistance on the use of human tissues or studies involving human subjects (including use of the commercially-available human cell lines)– you may contact A*STAR HBR Office for assistance
- Risk Assessment (RA): legal requirement for all works carried out at A*STAR animal facilities – you many contact the IBC of your Institute for assistance
- Biosafety
- Mycoplasma Test: for use of human & non-rodent cells/tissues
- MAP/RAP Test: for use of mouse/rat cells or tissues. (contact BRC Vets for more information)
- Other supporting documents as per requested, such as SDS, References, Annexes etc.
Note to New Applicants: It is advisable for the first-time IACUC users to arrange a face-to-face meeting with IACUC members and BRC Veterinarians for better understanding of the process. You may do so by contacting IACUC Office.
Note to Industrial Applicants: Applications from A*STAR's industrial partners and collaborators will be reviewed under the industrial track, which aims to get the protocols being reviewed and approved within 4 weeks upon successful submission. New users may also engage in an IACUC Consultancy Service provided by InVivos Pte Ltd. Please contact for more information.
Protocol Submission & Review
A temporary reference number will be assigned to each successful application.The protocol will then be reviewed by designated IACUC members and will be presented, discussed in the Committee Meeting. IACUC Office will communicate with the PI for comments, clarifications and suggestions raised by the Committee Members. PI is requested to address all the questions raised by the Committee Members and revise the Protocol accordingly, if necessary. An official approval letter will be issued by the IACUC Office upon all the requirements are met.
No animal experiment can be carried out before the official approval letter is obtained from the IACUC Office!

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