We have dedicated and well-trained staff to provide customized preclinical studies services.

We provide high quality study services and flexible experimental design to help speed up your research and are proud to partner with you to bring new therapies to market.

Preclinical Studies Services we provide

Patient-Derived Xenografts & Efficacy Studies

BRC offers quality service to generate orthotopic PDX using immunocompromised mouse models. With a team of experienced individuals, we can perform tumour implantation; propagation of tumours; tumour harvesting; snap freezing, slow freezing and revival of tumour samples.


Veterinary Surgical Services

BRC is equipped with specialized animal surgery skills and resources to tailor to your specific needs. Our surgeons have vast experience in veterinary medicine and laboratory animal science. They are capable of a range of surgical procedures from simple procedures, such as soft tissue implantation, to highly complex catheterizations surgeries.


Necropsy & Histopathology

BRC partners with Advanced Molecular Pathology Laboratory (AMPL) to provide comprehensive assessment of pathologic changes in support of in vivo studies performed in BRC. AMPL is a well-established histopathology laboratory with translational research capabilities. Find out more here.


We tailor to your experimental needs and design. Speak to us to find out more.

Global Medical Device Regulatory and Biocompatibility Services offered by Pure Global and Leon Biotech

Pure Global offers end to end medical device regulatory services in markets worldwide and a full scope of biocompatibility and device performance animal study services in partnership with Leon Biotech. For more information regarding the companies and the services they offer, please refer to  and .

Any information and links relating to Pure Global, Leon Biotech and their services are strictly based on information provided by the companies who will be providing the services. For the avoidance of doubt, BRC shall not be responsible or held liable for any use of or reliance on such information or services in any manner whatsoever.
