Dr Kenneth Kwok

Dr Kenneth Kwok, CFAR Adjunct Member

Kenneth Kwok is Principal Research Scientist and Dy Director of the Social and Cognitive Computing (SCC) department at the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) at the òòò½Íø, Technology and Research (A*STAR).

His research interests are in cognitive computing at the intersection of the cognitive and computer sciences. He heads the Cognitive and Human-like AI (CHAI) group at SCC, conducting research in human-like learning and reasoning in artificial intelligent (AI) systems, with particular interest in commonsense knowledge representation and reasoning.

Kenneth obtained his PhD in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University working with James L McClelland on connectionist models of human memory. His prior experience spans the areas of AI and human performance. Before joining ASTAR, Kenneth was the Programme Director for Combat Performance and Protection and Lab Head of the Human Performance Lab at DSO National Laboratories. He had also served as Programme Director for Information Exploitation at the DSO, working on problems such as natural language processing, knowledge representation, information extraction and collaborative robotics. Outside of DSO, Kenneth founded and led the Cognitive Science Programme at Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore. He also co-founded the SINAPSE Institute of Neurotechnology at NUS, with colleagues from ASTAR and NUS.

Contact: kenkwok@ihpc.a-star.edu.sg