Artificial Intelligence, Analytics & Informatics (AI3)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising our industries and society, impacting the way we live, work and play. At A*STAR, we conduct research and development (R&D) across a spectrum of Al topics in our research institutes in both the science and engineering and biomedical domains. Broadly, the R&D work can be split into two main areas.
Firstly, User-Inspired Basic Research (UIBR) in which we investigate and develop cutting edge advances in fundamental Al topics such as Self-Aware Continuous Learning Models and Neuro-Symbolic Al. A*STAR also recently launched the Centre for Frontier Al Research (CFAR) in December 2022, which aims to lead and advance UIBR in Al within the broader scientific community of A*STAR. More information on CFAR can be found here.
To provide an overview of our Al work, the notable Al-related R&D work have been summarised into eight different topics (below) covering the UIBR and ATR spaces.
Within A*STAR, the Artificial Intelligence, Analytics & Informatics (A13) Horizontal Technology Coordination Office (HTCO) plays a role in coordinating and catalysing the development of A*STAR's Al capabilities, strategy and talent. It serves as the "one-stop shop" for all external parties looking to find out more about Al work within A*STAR and potentially collaborate.

AI News & Events
AI Capabilities
AI Applications
A*STAR celebrates International Women's Day

From groundbreaking discoveries to cutting-edge research, our researchers are empowering the next generation of female science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) leaders.