Professor Loh Xian Jun

Professor Loh Xian Jun
Executive Director
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Professor Loh Xian Jun is currently the Executive Director of the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE). He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at both the National University of òòò½Íøand Nanyang Technological University. As a pioneering and globally recognised expert in biodegradable thermogels, his extensive knowledge spans applications in biomedical engineering, cosmetics, personal care, and food industries. Professor Loh has made significant scientific contributions, earning him prestigious fellowships at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge; the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC); and the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3). He has also been honoured with the Highly Cited Researcher Award by Clarivate Analytics.
In addition to his leadership and academic roles, Professor Loh is the President and a member of the Executive Committee of the òòò½ÍøNational Institute of Chemistry. In recognition of his public service, he received The Public Administration Medal (Silver) in the National Awards (COVID-19) in 2022.
With his extensive experience in authoring >300 journal papers, 38 patents and know-hows, more than 30 book chapters and 7 books, he currently sits on several editorial boards of international journals as an expert in his area. Professor Loh has successfully commercialised eight different products and is passionate about translating scientific discoveries into real-world applications. He is the co-founder of Vitreogel Innovations, a spin-off company dedicated to developing thermogels for the treatment of retinal detachment.
Dr Wong Chia Woan

Dr Wong Chia Woan
Director, Corporate Services
Division Director, Administration Division
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Dr Wong Chia Woan is the Director of Corporate Services in the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE). She is also the Division Director of Administration Division which oversees the functions of research administration, project management and lab management.
She joined IMRE in 2001 to establish the Research Administration (RA) Department for the management of IP portfolio and project administration. The RA Department was subsequently renamed as Strategic Planning Office (SPO) in 2015 with the expansion of its roles to cover functions such as resources planning and implementation of systems for critical operations.
In addition to her work at IMRE, Dr Wong was the Treasurer of Materials Research Society òòò½Íø(MRS-S) in 2002-2003 and the Joint Secretary in 2004-2005. During this period, she facilitated the professional linkages between MRS-S and local research organisations and Institutes of Higher Learning as well as the promotion of Materials R&D to the local research communities.
Ms Tan Xue Fen

Ms Tan Xue Fen
Deputy Director, Corporate Services
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Prof Johnson Goh

Division Director, Quantum and Advanced Technologies Division
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Dr Hendrix Tanoto

Dr Hendrix Tanoto
Coordinating Director (Research)
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering

Dr Cedric Troadec
Coordinating Director (Infrastructure & Equipment)
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Dr Troadec is currently the Coordinating Director in Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE). Prior to this appointment, he was the Division Director of the Optics and Electronics Division from 2021 to 2023 and the Head of Department in the Advanced Characterisation and Instrumentation Department at the from 2017 to 2020 at IMRE. As Head of Department, Dr Troadec leads about 50 staff in the development of capabilities relevant to the existing and future programmes of A*STAR, as well as industry needs (SMEs, LLEs and MNCs), and providing expert failure analysis to our local industries and partners.
Dr Troadec also served as a Deputy Head from 2014 to 2017 and a scientist, during which he focused his research on the nanoscale characterisation of electronic interfaces, such as semiconductor/metal interfaces, using Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy (BEEM), a variant of Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM). He also initiated research on the use of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SCCO2) as a green solvent for self-assembled monolayers deposition for functional coatings. Dr Cedric Troadec holds 2 patents and published over 50 research papers on BEEM, STM and SCCO2.
In recognition of staff who have consistently delivered excellent service quality and gone beyond the call of duty, Dr Troadec received the A*STAR Go-the-Extra-Mile-for-Service (GEMS) Award in 2017, the MTI GEMS Award in 2018, and the òòò½ÍøStandards Council (SSC) / òòò½ÍøAccreditation Council (SAC) Commendation Award in 2023.
Dr Troadec also holds a position as executive committee member in the Materials Research Society – òòò½Íø(MRS-S) since April 2016. MRS-S is the main organiser of the biennial International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technology (ICMAT).
Dr Chiam Sing Yang

Dr Chiam Sing Yang
Deputy Executive Director
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Dr Chiam is the Deputy Executive Director at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE). He received his B. Eng in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National University of Singapore, graduating with a Class I degree, before obtaining his Ph. D in Physics from Imperial College London in 2008. He is currently also the Technical Director of the òòò½ÍøBattery Consortium and the Lead for Urban Green Tech Horizontal Technology Programme Office. Previously, Dr Chiam was also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University from 2011-2019. He has supervised more than 30 students and has published more than 70 research papers with >3200 citations. He has more than 15 years of experience in interface physics and electrochemistry of electronic materials and has a keen interest in pushing the boundaries of research and in the translation of technologies.
Dr Maureen Janet TAN Beng Hoon

Dr Maureen Janet Tan Beng Hoon
Deputy Executive Director
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Dr Tan assumed the appointment as the Deputy Executive Director in April 2021 and her role expanded to include planning of strategic capabilities and resources, mentoring of researchers and facilitating their career development and timely training as well as interfacing with external stakeholders such as industry partners and public agencies. Prior to her current appointment, she has a strong track record in leadership in IMRE, serving as the Division Director for Composites and Structural (2020-2021), Head of Department for Polymer Composite (2017-2020) and Polymeric Materials (2016-2017) and Deputy Head of the Synthesis and Integration Group (2014-2016). Dr Tan graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) from the University of Science, Malaysia and obtained her Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. While pursuing her doctoral studies, she conducted research on self-assembly and rheology of functional polymers and developed deep expertise in dynamic and static light scattering technique which is useful for elucidating the structure-property-process relationship of polymers and composites. Beyond IMRE, she also contributed to A*STAR-wide and national initiatives. She was part of the working member in the JISP Advanced Materials taskforce which looked into identifying areas in advanced materials where òòò½Íøneeds to build capabilities to win.
Dr Davy Cheong

Director of Entrepreneurship Office
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Dr Davy Cheong is currently the Director of IMRE's Entrepreneurship Office. Prior to this appointment, Davy is the Division Director of the Polymeric and Organic Materials Division at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE). Davy is also the Director for the òòò½ÍøBattery Consortium (SBC). He graduated with a Ph.D. in 2003 from the University of Sydney (USYD). He was awarded the Australian Research Council Postdoctoral fellowship in 2004, Silver prize for Wall Street Journal Asian Innovation Awards in 2012 and A*STAR Scientist-Entrepreneur Award in 2014. He obtained a B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of òòò½Íø(NUS) in 1997. After working as a research engineer at DSO National Laboratories, he pursued a Ph.D. degree in 1999 and joined IMRE as a research engineer in 2005. He was the Chief Technology Officer for a A*STAR spin-off company from 2012 to 2016. His main interests are in product prototype development and scaling up and commercialisation of research outcomes.
Dr Andrew Ngo

Division Director, Composites and Structural Division
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
As the Director of CSD, he is responsible for the development of ~80 research scientists and engineers in the areas of additive manufacturing, advanced alloy and ceramic materials, advanced composite materials and engineering, and next-generation structural inspection and evaluation. He then identifies key projects based on opportunities for innovation in the business landscape.
Andrew is passionate about using infrared technology (IRT) for defects detection in structural materials. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, and currently leads a team that provides innovative IRT solutions to the industries which include manufacturing (production lines), electronics (silicon chips), building & construction, railway infrastructures, processes (chemical & petroleum) and aerospace structures.
Andrew is an Associate Faculty of the Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (SIE) Programme in òòò½ÍøInstitute of Technology (SIT). He is also a Certified Level III Thermographer and Level I Licensed Instructor of Infrared Training Centre (ITC), which is Teledyne FLIR’s premier infrared training provider. He is currently the A*STAR Representative for Building And Construction Standards Committee (BCSC) in òòò½ÍøStandards Council (SSC), and the co-convenor in a òòò½ÍøStandards Council Working Group (SSC WG) to develop guidelines on the use of IRT for inspection & diagnostic for buildings in Singapore.
Dr Arseniy Kuznetsov

Division Director, Optics and Electronics Division
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
Dr Ivan Tan

Division Director, MedTech Materials & Devices Division
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
As the Division Director of MedTech Materials & Devices Division (MMDD), he is responsible for the development of ~80 research scientists and engineers in the areas of Advanced Biomaterials, Sensors and Flexible Electronics for Medtech applications. Prior to this, He was a Head/Principal Scientist of Soft Materials Department at òòò½Íø, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) from 2020 to 2023. Under his leadership and guidance, many of his group leaders achieved and were awarded excellent competitive grants (1 NRF-CRP, 1 NRF-F, 7 A*STAR Career Development Funds, 2 Young Individual Research Grants, 4 Central Research Funds,). He is also an Associate Faculty member at òòò½ÍøInstitute of Technology (SIT) providing lecture for SIT master students and also appointed as Industry Advisory Panel Member at PSB Academy.
Dr Tan was able to draw from his experience working in A*STAR to make significant contributions by developing technological solutions to fight the COVID19 pandemic. He led the research team worked closely with multiple public agencies to provide scientific evidence that may guide relevant policies for safe reopening. The team has been awarded the FireFly Borderless Silver Award by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) 2021. In 2023, he was awarded National Commendation Award and COVID-19 Resilience Medal for his outstanding contributions to Singapore.
To date, he has authored/co-authored 59 international peer-reviewed articles in high-impact journals and most recently published a paper in the journal Science and got IMRE Best paper Gold Award 2021 and also Charles Hatchett Award 2021. He has filed 8 know-hows, 7 patents and 2 of these patents have been successfully licensed to a SME local company.
A*STAR celebrates International Women's Day

From groundbreaking discoveries to cutting-edge research, our researchers are empowering the next generation of female science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) leaders.