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A*STAR Scientist Elected 2023 Optica Fellow

Teng Jinghua Optica Fellow 2023 (1200 × 675 px)The Optica (formerly OSA) Board of Directors has elected Dr Teng Jinghua, Principal Scientist at A*STAR Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), as a Fellow Member of Optica.

Fellow membership in Optica is limited to no more than ten percent of the membership and is reserved for members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics. Candidates are nominated by the Fellow Members Committee and selected by the Society's Awards Council and Board of Directors.

Jinghua is recognised for his achievements and leadership in both use-inspired basic research and technology translation to industry application in nano-optics and optoelectronics. His work has led to significant advances in the areas of light-matter interactions, optical materials and devices, nanofabrication, and metrology.

"It is a great honour to be elected as a Fellow Member of Optica," said Jinghua. "I am very grateful to my colleagues and peers for their support and nomination."

Warmest congratulations to Jinghua on this well-deserved recognition!

The press release announcing Optica’s 2023 Fellows is available . More information is also available at .