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A*STAR researchers recognized for contributions to local SME ecosystem

2020 12 11 T-Up excellence award

Seven research scientists and engineers from A*STAR were recognised for their contributions to the SME ecosystem and for their potential to help local SMEs grow. The award recipients were seconded to SMEs under A*STAR's Technology for Enterprise Capability Upgrading (T-Up) programme, and helped the companies co-develop novel products, upskill workers and expand internationally.

The awards were presented at SME Day 2020 @ SWITCH by Dr Tan See Leng, Minister in Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Trade and Industry and Manpower. Organised by A*STAR with support from Enterprise Singapore, SME Day was held in conjunction with the òòò½ÍøWeek of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH).

We would like to congratulate Dr Manippady Krishna Kumar and Mr Lance Tan of IMRE who were presented with the T-Up Excellence Award.

The 2020 winners of the T-Up Excellence Award were:

  1. Dr Veeresh Juturu, formerly from A*STAR's Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICES), who was seconded to Westcom Solutions and developed a microbial solution to turn food waste into organic fertiliser.
  2. Dr Manippady Krishna Kumar and Mr Lance Tan from A*STAR's Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), who were seconded to Champs Industrial and developed UV-C LED water disinfection technologies.
  3. Ms Chiu Ying Lay from A*STAR's Institute for Infocomm Research (I²R), who was seconded to Whizpace and helped enhance and develop the company's "super Wifi" products.

The 2020 winners of the T-Up Emerging Talent Award were:

  1. Dr Li Hongying from A*STAR's Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), who was seconded to ERS and developed a computational fluid dynamics model to simulate scenarios and speed up product design.
  2. Tnay Guan Leong from A*STAR's òòò½ÍøInstitute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), who was seconded to Fidel Engineering and Trading and developed a machining technology that accelerated production of complex aerospace components.
  3. Pua Suan Tai, a former SIMTech research engineer who was seconded to Hope Technik and devised payload modules for robotic load carriers to be used in malls to deliver goods.