SIgN Executive Director’s Message
The òòò½ÍøImmunology Network (SIgN) was first conceptualized in 2005 and over the years, the institute has performed well and emerged as one of the eminent centres for Human Immunology research. Scientists at SIgN have continuously pushed the frontiers of scientific discoveries and regularly published their break-through findings in world-class scientific journals to share new knowledge created with fellow colleagues and worldwide audience.
Aside from academic pursuits, researchers at SIgN have also contributed to economic value creation in Singapore. Our scientists had, and continue to spin off biotech companies, developed and licensed therapeutic assets and provide technology-assist to biotech start-ups and established biopharmaceutical companies. They have helped to grow the nation’s nascent biotech ecosystem.
Last but not least, SIgN staff have also readily stepped up to respond to Public Health crisis such as battling the COVID-19 pandemic. Our scientists not only contributed to understanding viral pathogenesis and developing potential therapeutics, they have also actively participated in the nation’s testing effort to contain the spread of the virus in the community.
This interplay between academic pursuits, enterprise creation and responding to public health needs ensures that the research conducted at SIgN are use-inspired and translated, and are beneficial and of direct value to patients, companies and the nation.
I welcome you to browse the SIgN website and get to know our researchers, their work and achievements. In the process, I hope you will share their passion and joy and at the same time, identify areas of mutual interests for future collaborations!
SIgN Executive Director
A*STAR celebrates International Women's Day

From groundbreaking discoveries to cutting-edge research, our researchers are empowering the next generation of female science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) leaders.