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òòò½ÍøImmunology Network

Science and Innovation for Health

òòò½ÍøImmunology Network (SIgN)


Our science
Our Science

SIgN is a globally recognized centre for Immunology R&D that focuses on Immunity, Cancer Immunology and Immune Dysfunctions. We strive to translate our research into innovations that will both improve lives and further economic growth.

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Technology Platforms
Technology Platforms

Our research is supported by access to and expertise in cutting-edge technologies. Our world class Clinical Immunomonitoring Platform is central to our translational applied projects, such as those carried out in collaboration with participating hospitals and industrial partners.

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SIgN has an established and extensive international and national research collaboration network with the scientific and clinical community. We strongly believe in the value of scientific alliance and synergy to promote R&D excellence. As such, we are always looking to expand our collaborations.
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Nurturing Talents
Nurturing Talents

SIgN is dedicated to nurturing and training young scientists by supporting various activities that promote analytical thinking and collaborative spirit. We welcome motivated, early post-doctoral researchers and post-graduate students to join our stimulating environment.

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Explore Our Resources

SIgN hosts a strong in-house cluster of cutting-edge technology platforms. In particular, our world class Clinical Immunomonitoring Platform offers a wide range of applications from multi- dimensional deep immune-phenotyping and immunogenomics, to single-cell-based technologies and functional immune- imaging. These capabilities are highly applicable to translational studies, such as for the discovery and identification of novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets or monitoring of clinical trials. Our platforms are open to the scientific community through targeted research collaborations and in some cases, via a fee- for-service.