Director: Kong Peng LAM, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator: Annabelle Lim, Ph.D
more information regarding the SIgN Immunomonitoring Platform and services, please download a copy of our
brochure here.
comprehensive Immunomonitoring Platform combines genomic, proteomic and novel cell-based assays to generate a
complete picture of the human immune response during the course of disease or therapy.
technological development in the fields of proteomics, genomics and cellular analysis has led to an
extraordinary arsenal of analytical tools available to translational researchers today. Each of these
technologies, however, can only provide a detailed assessment of limited aspects of the human immune response.
The ability to fully integrate complex data from multiple analytical modalities and to understand this data in
the context of ongoing clinical progression is a central challenge of translational immunology. As such, SIgN
developed the Immunomonitoring Platform, which consolidated Flow Cytometry, CyTOF, Immunogenomics,
Immunoinformatics and more recently, Functional Immune Imaging.
and Approach
SIgN Immunomonitoring Platform uses data management and mining solutions to integrate and exploit large volumes
of patient-specific data. This systems approach is being used by SIgN researchers for both early discovery and
preclinical studies to discover biomarkers or novel therapeutic interventions, as well as to monitor and assess
clinical trials. The comprehensive Immunomonitoring Platform forms a core infrastructure component of the basic,
translational and clinical research performed at SIgN (Figure
1).Figure 1: SIgN Immunomonitoring Platform
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