
Sustainability and Emerging Applications Centre



Currently, some companies may not know where to start or how to scale up their environmental sustainability transformation, as they face a wide range of environmental sustainability issues and an even wider range of actions that they can take to address these issues. Green Compass™ is an environmental sustainability assessment and strategic roadmapping tool that helps companies to become more environmentally sustainable by better managing their carbon emissions, energy, water, and waste impacts, as well as chart strategic roadmaps for their transformation based on their current environmental sustainability levels. Through the four-step Learn-Assess-Prioritise-Plan model, companies will first learn about sustainability trends and methodologies and assess their companies’ environmental sustainability level., Next, they will prioritise areas with the biggest financial and strategic impact and chart the strategic roadmaps for their sustainability transformation based on their assessed sustainability level.

Companies can utilise Green Compassâ„¢ through the 16-hour Green Compassâ„¢ course, a collaboration between A*STAR’s òòò½ÍøInstitute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) and TÃœV SÃœD.

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Learn-Assess-Prioritise-Plan model


  • Reduce business costs by learning how to improve resource efficiency
  • Future-proof operations against supply chain or resource shocks
  • Preparing for sustainability transformation through an increased awareness of key improvement areas and a strategic roadmap for immediate implementation



[The Green Compass™ course] helped us assess our company’s state of sustainability across different dimensions and quantify our sustainability efforts. We determined potential areas for tangible improvement focusing on organisation, product life cycle, supply network and operations, which helps with the transformation of a more sustainable business.

Mr Pardhu Vemulamada,
Head (Digital), Durapower Holdings


Through the Green Compassâ„¢ workshop, my colleagues and I learnt valuable insights to improve our company's sustainability performance in transition towards a green economy. We learnt how to access our company's performance quantitatively and qualitatively in the various aspects of sustainability. The workshop was well-organised and the facilitators were very helpful to guide us through all the sessions.

Mr Chang Chia Chien,
Lead Analyst, EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy


Green Compassâ„¢ indeed is a great tool, and a compass that provide step by step comprehensive framework that allow organisation to systematically evaluate the current gaps, identify opportunity for improvement and prioritise actions to be taken to drive towards achieving sustainability goal.

Mr Yeo Chee Leong,
Director, EnergieServe


The Green Compass Assessment results were comprehensive, which helped us to identify not just which specific areas to work on, but how to work on them. The trainers were knowledgeable in the topic covered and were helpful in our specific issues when brainstorming for improvement ideas. As a result of the course, we put together a roadmap of improvement actions that we are excited to get started on to scale up our environmental sustainability transformation.

Mr James Chua,
Senior Manager (Quality), I-PEX òòò½Íø


Our key challenge was the lack of a data-driven structured approach to identify our sustainability objectives. During the 3-day programme, we gained better visibility of various cost structures within the company that impacts our sustainability agenda. The step-by-step consultative approach has also helped us to identify, assess, and prioritise key sustainability focus areas. We would like to recommend this programme to like-minded companies that are interested to further understand their sustainability performance and maturity level.

Mr Colin Tan,
Chief R&D Officer, YEO HIAP SENG (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Sign up with your colleagues for the Sustainability Transformation through Green Compassâ„¢ course today!

Green Compassâ„¢ is recommended for companies who want to start or scale up their environmental sustainability transformation and can be used by companies at any stage of their environmental sustainability transformation journey, from companies that are just starting to experienced ones. The course is most suitable for industries with operations within Singapore.

The course is catered to companies, where it is recommended to send a group of employees from various departments of the company with a mix of seniority levels so as to have a good representation of the company’s current environmental sustainability efforts. Preferably, the participants would consist of representatives from the following departments or equivalent functions, to ensure a good breadth of company knowledge in the room for completing the assessment and effective brainstorming:

  • Operations
  • Facility Management
  • Sustainability
  • Strategic Projects
  • Product Development
  • Procurement
  • Finance
  • HR/Training

Participants can enjoy SkillsFuture òòò½Íøgrants, covering up to 90% of the course fee, subject to eligibility criteria.

To enable sustainability transformation, this course is designed for companies committed to a minimum participation of 3 employees. The optimal group size per company is dependent on the scale of the company’s operation..

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