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MASTERCLASSES and other programmes



The Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) invites international domain experts to share their expertise in a short 2 to 3 full-day Master Classes for manufacturing specialists, engineers, managers as well as other industry professionals and executives. The Master Classes, in close collaboration with funding agencies such as SkillsFuture òòò½Íø(SSG) and Workforce òòò½Íø(WSG), draw extensively on the international experts’ cutting-edge knowledge and industry experience.

List of masterclasses:

  • Preparing For Industry 5.0: Human-Centric, Sustainable and Resilient Manufacturing ~ We are revamping the content of this MasterClass and will publish it later.
    [MasterClass In Getting Ready for Industry 5.0 – Human-Centric, Sustainable and Resilient Manufacturing (Sustainability And Life Cycle Management)]
