Research Collaborations

Research collaborations with other research institutes provide opportunities for SIMTech staff to share research findings and acquire new cutting edge technologies from other researchers in the field of manufacturing technology. SIMTech also welcomes research institutes to explore research collaboration opportunities.

  • Memoranda of Understanding
    Over the years, SIMTech has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with various local and overseas research institutes. The objectives of these MOUs are to foster closer scientific cooperation and to promote the transfer of knowledge and expertise with other world-class research organisations in the various related areas of manufacturing technology. 
  • List of MOUs Signed:
       â€¢ Korea Aerospace University - Ubiquitous Technology Application Research Centre (UTAC), South Korea
       â€¢ Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM), South Korea
       â€¢ VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
       â€¢ Nanyang Technological University
       â€¢ National University of Singapore

  • Collaborative Research Projects
    SIMTech has undertaken and completed numerous projects in collaboration with local and overseas partners over the years. Collaborative research projects (CRPs) are a major operational mechanism SIMTech capitalises when working with other research organisations. SIMTech staff and collaboration partners share their resources in CRP projects to develop new cutting edge technology in manufacturing and related areas. CRP projects are often carried out with the assistance of post-doctoral research fellows and graduate research students. Research results are generally equally owned between SIMTech and research partners.

  • Staff Exchanges
    A world-leading research establishment, with state-of-the-art technical facilities and strong links with Singapore-based manufacturing companies, SIMTech develops high value manufacturing technology and human capital to enhance the competitiveness of Singapore's manufacturing industry. The staff exchange platform serves to deepen research experiences between SIMTech staff and researchers from other institutes. The cutting edge technologies available in SIMTech create the opportunities and platform to heighten the existing research technology levels. 

    - Staff attachment from International Research Organisations
       â€¢ Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
       â€¢ Queensland University of Technology, Australia

    - SIMTech staff attachment to other Research Organisations
       â€¢ Institute of Manufacturing Enterprise Systems, Arizona State University, USA
       â€¢ Japan National Institute of Advance Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
       â€¢ Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
       â€¢ Precision Instrument Development Centre of National Science Council, Taiwan
       â€¢ Tohoku University, Japan
       â€¢ Beijing Unversity of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China
       â€¢ Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
       â€¢ Xing Wan Logistics Co Ltd, Guan Ya Logistics Consultancy Co, China
       â€¢ University of Bremen, Germany
       â€¢ Wuppertal University, Germany
       â€¢ The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology. Hong Kong
       â€¢ University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
       â€¢ UNC Charlotte, USA

  • SIMTech Fellowship
    The SIMTech fellowship is a prestigious appointment given to staff from international universities. SIMTech extends invitations to renowned researchers worldwide to actively contribute to collaborative research projects and establish new capabilities within the institute.
  • - Visiting SIMTech Fellows (Overseas by invitation)
       â€¢ Prof Anthony Kinloch (Imperial College London, UK)
       â€¢ Prof Christoph Hermann (Technische Universitat Braunschweig, DE)
       â€¢ Prof Federico Capasso (Harvard University, US)
       â€¢ Prof Frank L Lewis (The University of Texas at Arlington, US))
       â€¢ Prof Nicolaas Frans de Rooij (Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique, CH)
       â€¢ Prof Susan Xu Hong (Pennsylvania State University, US)
       â€¢ Prof Toshimichi Moriwaki (Setsunan University, JP)

    - SIMTech Associates (Local)
       â€¢ National University of Singapore
       â€¢ Assoc Prof Marcelo H Ang Jr
       â€¢ Prof Mustafizur Rahman
       â€¢ Nanyang Technological University
       â€¢ Prof Er Meng Joo
       â€¢ Prof Lam Yee Cheong
       â€¢ Assist Prof Sathyan Subbiah
       â€¢ Assist Prof Sylvie CASTAGNE
       â€¢ Assoc Prof Tan Ming Jen

  • Adjunct/Joint Appointments
    The adjunct/joint appointment scheme provides another avenue for SIMTech to interact with undergraduate and postgraduate students in both local and overseas universities.

    Under this scheme, SIMTech staff is appointed adjunct positions at the universities to carry out teaching/supervisory duties for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

    This scheme also supports staff from SIMTech or the universities to be jointly appointed to both the universities and SIMTech. Staff will assume research, academic, and administrative responsibilities in the respective institutions. They will distribute their time between the institutions based on an agreed time/salary ratio.

  • University staffs are also welcomed to apply for SIMTech Adjunct Appointment.